Chapter 11

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Isabelle's POV

"Have you seen Jace?" Clary asked.

"He's sick. Really high fever."


"Why do you ask?"

"Well I was thinking since Alec's birthday is coming up in a few days, we could throw him a surprise party."

Isabelle looked up from the papers she was working on. "Alec's birthday is in a few days? What's the date?" 

"Um, September 8th," Clary replied.

"Crap." Isabelle stood up. "I completely forgot." 

"Hey, we've still got four days."

"I have to get him a present. And every year I make him a cake."

"Maybe you should skip the cake this year," Max laughed, poking his head into the weapons room. "Last year you almost burned down the Institute."

"That was once." Isabelle pouted, crossing her arms. 

"And the year before that, the cake exploded in the oven and got stuff everywhere. And the year before that..."

"Okay, Max, I think we get it." Izzy could feel her face turning red.

Clary laughed. "Seriously?" 

"Oh, yeah." Max continued. "You should have seen this one time on Mom's birthday..."

"Max!" Isabelle ran over to him, reaching her arms out. She tickled the poor boy out of his mind. He was sitting on the floor, laughing uncontrollably.

"Stop it! Izzy stop!" He laughed. 

"Only if you promise to stop talking about my cooking." Izzy smiled.

"I promise! Just stop tickling me!" Max giggled. 

Isabelle stood up, walking back to her desk with a satisfied look on her face. 

"You'll have to tell me later," Clary whispered as she walked past Max, who nodded. 

Isabelle sighed, turning back to her papers. 

"Well," Clary said. "I have to go. I have patrol today."

"Okay. We'll have to talk about Alec later."

"Yeah," Clary said, turning on her heel and walking out the door.

Magnus's POV

"Shake it off. Shake it off. Ah, ah, I shake it off..." Magnus had his earbuds in, listening to Pandora, cooking dinner. He had a pink glittery apron on over his t-shirt. It was getting late, and Alec still hadn't waken up from his nap. 

He started stirring the pot on the stove, shaking his hips and singing along with the song. "And the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate. Baby, I just shake shake shake shake shake." He was starting to really get into it, using the spoon as a microphone. "Shake it off, shake it off." 

The timer went off, signaling that the garlic bread was ready. Magnus opened the oven door, sliding the pan out and placing it on the counter. The bread smelled amazing. 

He started to stir the tomato sauce again. He could have just made it with magic, but sometimes he enjoyed doing things the mundane way. Simple things, like taking a shower or making spaghetti and garlic bread. 

"I threw a wish in the well, don't ask me I'll never tell," Magnus sang as the song changed to 'Call Me Maybe.' "Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy." 

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