Chapter 10

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Magnus's POV

"Magnus, thanks for coming to save me," Alec said, a bit shyly.

"Did you think I wouldn't?" Magnus asked, sitting down on the couch next to him.

"I don't know."

Magnus sighed, putting his hand on Alec's arm. Alec was avoiding eye contact, looking at the space on the couch between them. Magnus put his hand on Alec's chin. "Look at me, Alexander." The shadowhunter raised his head just enough to look at Magnus's face. "There is no universe where I wouldn't come for you." He smiled, scooting closer to Alec.

"You mean that?" 

"Of course I mean that! Alexander, I have never felt about anyone the way I feel about you. You're... special." 

"Hopefully in a good way," He whispered.

Magnus found himself staring into Alec's eyes. He could get lost in there all day and never find a way out. 

"Let's watch a movie," Alec said, looking away from Magnus.

"Wonderful idea." He lay his hand on top of Alec's. "What do you want to watch?" 

"Oh, I don't know. You pick." 

Magnus snapped his fingers and a projection appeared on the wall. Magnus clicked play. 

Only about ten minutes into the movie, Alec fell asleep. He had his head resting on Magnus's chest, their legs tangled together. Magnus threw a blanket over him. He paused the movie, turning off the projection. 

"I'm so sorry. Everything that happened to you this week. If I would have been more careful. I could have saved you before you got hurt." He whispered, playing with Alec's hair, which was softer than silk. A tear had escaped his eye, falling onto the shadowhunter's cheek. "I love you, Alexander." He said before turning off the lights and falling asleep to the sound of Alec's steady breathing. 


"Good morning," Magnus said when Alec opened his eyes, squinting from the morning sun shining through the window. "How'd you sleep?"

"Great." He answered, rubbing his eyes.

"Do you feel okay?"

Alec turned and pressed his lips against the warlock's. Magnus kissed him back, pulling him in closer and wrapping his arms around the other boy. Alec broke the kiss, their noses still touching.

"Now I do." He smiled, pressing his forehead against Magnus's. 

Magnus pulled away, turning to look at the window. 

"Magnus, what's wrong?" Alec asked, placing his hand on Magnus's shoulder. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No such thing," Magnus said, turning back to face him. "I've just been thinking," 

"About what?"

"About this past week. It's my fault you got kidnapped in the first place. If I had..."

"Magnus," Alec cut him off. "It wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself."

"Then who's fault was it?" Magnus said, looking at their hands. Alec's were still covered in little cuts, and one of them was still healing from the being impaled by a knife. It was wrapped in a white bandage. He wasn't wearing anything but a pair of sweatpants, and Magnus could see a scar that ran across his chest that wasn't there before. His face was bruised. The Iratze rune wasn't doing much for him. Neither was Magnus's magic. 

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