Chapter 19

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Alec's POV

As he ran into battle, all he could think about was Magnus. If something happened to him...

No. I can't think like that.

He raised his bow, shooting three arrows at once. Two of them found their way into a forsaken's chest, which promptly fell over. The third went through a circle member's forehead. 

He grabbed three more arrows, shooting them into the crowd. 

Most of the other Shadowhunters had run inside to grab whatever weapons they could. They kept running out of the Institute. Jace threw Alec a seraph blade, and he caught it with one hand, sliding it onto his belt. Burst of red magic shot from somewhere to Alec's left, where he guessed Magnus was. All around him, blades were clashing together, shouts, and cries filled the air. 

Isabelle had her bo staff, stabbing it into the heart of an unlucky Seelie. 

A group of enemy shadowhunters ran forward, all of them equipped with bows and tons of arrows. They were shooting at what seemed like random. Alec heard someone shout behind him. But he didn't turn around. Make one mistake, and you're dead. 

With every enemy they took down, it seemed like three more came. Alec turned just in time to be whacked in the face. His bow was ripped from his hand, and thrown across the grass. Alec grabbed the seraph blade hanging from his belt, stabbing it into the chest of the circle member who had taken his bow. He spun around, slashing another enemies throat. He met blades with another person, who tried to stab Alec's stomach. Alec grabbed his arm, turning the blade and stabbing them in the stomach instead. 

"Clary!" He heard Jace's voice shout. 

"Jace, lookout!" Clary shouted back. 

His eyes landed on Jace, three circle members behind him. He spun around, slashing all of their throats. 

Alec was running toward another forsaken, who had just hit one of his own in the head, hard. The grass was stained red, and bodies littered the lawn. When he got to the forsaken, he stabbed it through the back. He picked up a seraph blade from the floor. 

"Alec, behind you!" Someone yelled. Alec whirled around, stabbing the seraph blades into two people at once. Jonathan was nowhere to be seen. Neither was the Seelie Queen.

He felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, and looked down to find his shirt sleeve slashed open, blood spilling from a cut on his upper arm. He tried to ignore it, slicing and stabbing at whoever came near him. His mind went into battle mode, and everything seemed like a blur. He knew he was bleeding in several places, but he couldn't care less. People died in battle. In war. 

Magnus's POV

Magnus was starting to run out of strength. Using all of this magic was starting to drain him, but he couldn't let his guard down, not even for a second. He was struggling to keep up the glamor hiding the whole scene from the mundanes. He could see Alec out of the corner of his eyes, his shirt torn and stained red. Hopefully it was someone else's blood. Alec was amazing. Magnus never had really seen him fight with a blade. But he sure was good at it. Magnus shot a burst of orange magic at a group of circle members. As they fell, he saw Clary on the ground, Jace defending her. Her stomach was stained in blood, her purple dress ripped in several places. She traced over her Iratze, then stood up, pulling her twin blades from her belt. 

Magnus could feel the glamor on his warlock mark slipping away, revealing his cat eyes. 

"They're beautiful," Alec's voice rang in his head. "You're beautiful."

The thought of that moment gave him a small boost of strength. He had to survive this. For Alec.

A scream cut across the courtyard. People were dropping all around him, good and bad alike. 

The enemies just kept coming. It seemed like it would never end. He had to get some kind of back up. He turned and ran toward Alec. 

"I'm contacting the other Institutes. We need all the help we can get." He said as he passed Alec.

Something exploded behind him. He turned to see the trees on fire, a nearby light post falling over. He shook his head before running into the Institute. 

Isabelle's POV

Now Izzy was standing back to back with her brother. She had found Alec's bow and given it to him, which he took gratefully. 

She stabbed a forsaken over and over until it fell to the ground. Alec was shooting arrow after arrow, followed by a shout as they found their way into someone. 

"Where's Magnus?" Izzy yelled over the fighting. 

"He's in the Institute. Calling for back up." Alec said. The second he finished his sentence, another explosion shook the ground. Tons of debris were falling over them, making this a lot harder. Smoke filled the air, making her eyes water. She turned around. The Institute was on fire. 

Jace's POV

The smoke was making it harder to see. His arms were getting tired from fighting, and the sun had gone down. He quickly traced over his stamina rune, then slipped his stele back into his pocket. The Institute was on fire, and ashes were falling from the sky. 

"Magnus!" He heard Alec shout. He turned around to see his Parabatai, but the second he did he felt a flaring pain in his back. He fell to the ground as Jonathan pulled the blade out of his back.

"Nice to see you again, brother," Jonathan said, stabbing the blade into Jace's back again. 

Then everything went black. 

Clary's POV

"Jace!" She screamed as Jonathan pulled his blade out for the second time, disappearing into the smoke. She ran over to him, checking his pulse. He was alive. For now. 

She flipped him over gently, lifting his ripped up shirt to trace over his Iratze with her stele. He immediately opened his eyes, sitting up and coughing. 

"Are you okay?" She asked him.

"Yeah," He replied. "You?" 

"I'm good." 

"Alec!" Isabelle's voice shouted over the mayhem. "Alec, you can't!"

Clary ran over to see what was going on. She found Simon, Isabelle, and Alec standing near each other.

"Magnus is in there," Alec said. He looked horrible. His shirt was pretty much nonexistent, his stomach was covered in blood, his face a mess of cuts. "I'm not losing him." He said before turning and running into the burning Institute. 

"Alec!" They all screamed in unison.

"There's no way we're going to win this," Jace said. "We are completely outnumbered."

"Not for long. The whole New York vampire clan will be here soon."

"And the New York wolf pack," Luke added, running up behind them.

"I'm going after Alec," Isabelle said. 

"No, you're not," Jace said grabbing her arm. 

"Jace, the flipping Institute is burning. He ran in there! He's going to die if we don't do something!" Just as she said that, they were knocked off of their feet by another explosion. The Institute roof had fallen. With Alec and Magnus inside.

AHHHHH!!! I can't believe what I just wrote. Gods, I'm so scared right now. What have I done this time? And it's Alec's birthday... 



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