Chapter 14

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Alec's POV

It was freezing. Outside, the rain had started to pour down, dripping in through the crack in the ceiling. Alec shivered. He could hear footsteps walking down the path between the cells. He could just make out the shape of two people walking past his cell.

" that Lightwood kid." One was saying.

"I wonder what they want with him," The other replied. "We all know Jonathan's the one who took the cup." 

"Well, whatever it is, I wouldn't want to be him. The Consul said..." Alec didn't hear the rest of the sentence. He stood up from his mat and walked to the barred cell door. Another group of people was walking toward him. He stepped back as a guard opened his cell door, grabbed his arm, and pulled him out. 

"Let's go." The guard said as another guy grabbed his hands and put them in cuffs. 

"Where are you taking me?" Alec asked, not sure if he wanted to hear the answer. 

He felt something cold press up against his neck. "Shut up or I'll kill you." A voice said from behind him. 

Alec was sick of this. He was sick of being in danger all the time. He kicked out behind him and heard someone groan. The other guards started yelling as he broke free from their grip and ran. He punched another person in the face, grabbing the crossbow they had been holding. Alec wasn't exactly sure how to use it, but they didn't know that. Besides, he didn't plan on killing anybody. He wasn't Valentine. Not to mention his hands were tied together. 

"Hey!" Somebody yelled. He heard a loud noise, almost like a rubber band snapping but ten times louder, and found himself on the ground, an arrow poking out of his stomach. Whoever had shot it ran up behind him, pulling him to his feet. He pulled the arrow out through his back. Alec was coughing out blood. 

"What is the meaning of this?" Consul Penhallow turned the corner, staring at Alec with eyes of steel. "I told you not to kill him." 

"He's not dead, Consul."

"Yet." She sighed, pulling out her stele. She lifted up Alec's shirt just enough to trace over his Iratze. A warm sensation went up his spine, and he felt better right away. "Now, we won't have any more problems, will we Mr. Lightwood?"

Alec shook his head. 

"Good," She grabbed his arm. "Now walk with me, will you?"

"You're not the Consul," Alec said.

"Excuse me?" Jia turned around. Alec grabbed the stele from her front pocket and traced over her wrist, revealing that she was indeed not Jia. 

"Jace?" Alec's frowned. "What are you doing here?! You're going to get yourself killed!" He whispered.

"Trying to save your sorry ass." Jace scowled. "Thanks for blowing my cover." 

"Listen, I don't need to be broken out. That will just get us both in trouble. It's not like the Soul Sword is going to kill me. It's a flipping trial, Jace. Nothing to worry about." 

"Lydia. They appointed Lydia as the new Head of the Institute until you're back."


"Do you know anyone else named Lydia?" Jace grabbed his arm and started running. Alec ran with him. "She's driving everyone crazy. Not a very good leader."


"Good thing you didn't marry her," Jace smirked, turning around a corner and punching someone in the face. "That would have been a catastrophe. Would've completely ruined the Lightwood name."

Alec blushed. 

"Magnus is a lot better," Jace said simply.

Alec grinned like an idiot. "You can say that again." 

"Hey! What are you doing!" Jia- the real Jia this time- was running toward them. 

"Jace, get out of here." 

"But, Alec..."

"No buts. Go."

Jace nodded and ran. 

He was long gone by the time Jia got over to Alec. 

"I thought you said you weren't going to make things worse for yourself."

"I overheard some guards. They said Jonathan took the cup and they didn't know why I was locked up." He paused. "What do you actually want with me?"

"Stop talking. You're going back in your cell."

Jace's POV

He didn't want to leave Alec. But maybe the older boy was right. It's just a trial. 

"Where's Alec?" Clary asked him as she swiped her stele over her wrist to undo the glamor. She had been glamoured as a guard. 

"We need to get out of here." Was all Jace said.

Clary nodded, pressing her stele to her hand. She pushed it forward and stepped into the portal it had created. Jace followed her. 

The second they walked into the Institute, Isabelle ran up to them. "Where have you two been? Clary, not cool ditching me at the mall." 

"Sorry. Jace called me and said he's going to Idris. So obviously I had to stop him. Or at least help him not get himself killed again." She looked up at him.

"Really, Clary? Do we really need to bring that up?" Jace frowned. "I told you I'll be more careful now." 

"Wait, you went to Idris?" 

Jace nodded. She grabbed him by the ear and dragged him into the weapons room. Clary followed. 

Isabelle shut the door behind them, letting go of Jace's ear. 

"You could've gotten killed! Did anyone see you? Do you know what would happen if someone saw you there without permission to enter? Are you trying to cause trouble?" Isabelle whisper-yelled. 

"Look, we were just trying to save Alec."

"He doesn't need saving. After the trial with the sword, they'll let him go. We all know he didn't take the cup," She sighed. "Did you see him?"

"Yeah," Jace replied, looking down at his feet. 

"Was he okay?" 

"His hands were freezing cold, his lips were blue, and he got shot in the stomach with an arrow. But I used his Iratze so he's okay."

"Oh, thank the Angel. I don't what I would do if he got hurt again. And poor Magnus. I don't know how much more of this he can take."

"We saw him at the mall," Clary told Jace. "He wasn't wearing any glitter. Just eyeliner. Not even eye shadow."

"And he was wearing Alec's clothes. All black." Isabelle whispered.

"That just gives us one more reason to keep Alec out of trouble. I'm not letting him go anywhere when he gets back."

"Me either. He's been through too much this week. More than anyone should have to go through in a lifetime."

Magnus's POV

Laying in bed that night was the worst feeling ever. It felt so... empty. He put his hand where Alec normally slept, only to feel nothing there. He couldn't help but think Alec was in some type of trouble. He had acted so weird earlier. The door opened to reveal Alec standing there. 

"Hey Magnus," He said. "We need to talk."

Hey! As promised, I will publish another chapter today. I hope y'all are enjoying it so far. This story is doing a lot better than anything else I've ever published on here, so I'm really happy with it. I'm going to start writing chapter 15. Byyee! Love y'all! 


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