Chapter 7

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Alec's POV

"Shit," Magnus said, jumping up from the couch. "How does that girl managed to cause so much trouble?"

"Tell me about it." Alec sighed, standing up. His head hurt like crazy, and he felt a little dizzy. He put his hand on the couch hoping no one would notice. "Do you know where they are?"

"No, we were just downtown, fighting a couple of demons when Jonathan came by, killed the demons, grabbed Clary and just... disappeared," Isabelle explained.

"Well, let's go," Alec said, grabbing his bow. He started toward the door. The others stared at him.

"You can't be serious," Jace said. 

"No, Alexander. You're staying here." Magnus said. 

Alec sighed and looked at Izzy for help. "They're right, Alec."

"Really? You too, Isabelle?" Alec paused, seeing that they were not going to change their minds any time soon. "Clary is in danger. With Jonathan, of all people! You're going to need all the help you can get."

"And we can find that help elsewhere," Isabelle said, crossing her arms. "You're not coming."

"I'm the Head of the Institute." Alec pointed out.

Jace winced. "He's right. We can't exactly tell him what to do if he's our boss."

"Jace! It doesn't matter if he's our boss or not!" Isabelle lowered her voice to a whisper. She said something to them that Alec couldn't hear. 

Magnus took a step forward, putting his hand on the shadowhunter's shoulder. "Alexander, please," He whispered, not loud enough for the others to hear. "You and I both know you're still not fully healed. If we let you come, you could get hurt or worse..." His beautiful brown eyes had started to water. Looking at Magnus, he knew nothing he did would make them change their minds. But he didn't care. He had to go. He hated feeling so useless.

"No. I'm coming." Alec pulled away from Magnus, slid his quiver over his shoulder, pushed away his siblings, and walked right out the door. 

Magnus sighed. "I hope he'll forgive me for this." He snapped his fingers and Alec fell to the ground. His eyelids were getting heavier and heavier by the second. Magnus had sedated him. He blacked out.

Magnus's POV

Magnus felt horrible watching his boyfriend fall to the floor, knowing he was the one who made it happen. He picked up the other boy, cradling him in his arms. He walked back into his apartment, where a very surprised Jace and Isabelle were staring at him. 

"This will only last about six hours. Then he'll wake up and probably want to murder me." He said, laying the unconscious boy on the couch. He snapped and a blanket appeared in his hands. he tossed it over Alec, and slid a pillow under his head. "I'm sorry," he whispered, kissing the boy's forehead. "It's for your own good." He stood up and turned to face the others. "What are we waiting for? Let's go." He waved his hands in a circular motion and a portal appeared in front of him.  "To the institute." 

Jace and Isabelle looked at each other, then stepped into the portal. Magnus followed, closing it behind him. A few seconds later, they shot out right in front of the institute. 

"I, Jace Herondale," Jace started. He didn't even have to finish his sentence. The door swung open and the three of them stepped inside. The guards by the door seemed surprised to see them. 

"I thought you two were supposed to be on patrol with Clary." One of them said. "And isn't the warlock supposed to be with Mr. Lightwood?" 

"Long story, not much time," Jace said, pushing past her. 

"How are we going to find her?" Isabelle asked as she and Magnus followed Jace to one of the monitors. 

"We can try tracking her first," Magnus suggested. "Do you have any of her things?"

"I'll go grab something from her room," Isabelle said, turning on her heel and running down the hall. She came back a few minutes later with a red hair tie. "Try this." She handed it to Magnus.

"Isabelle! Jace!" Someone shouted. Magnus whirled around to see nonother than Mr. Robert Lightwood. He was about to blast him with some magic, but Jace was faster. In the blink of an eye, he had his seraph blade at Robert's throat. 

"What gave you the guts to show up here after what you did?" Jace questioned, pressing the blade against his throat a bit harder. 

"Are you talking about what I did to Maryse? Look, I told you already..."

"Don't play dumb!" Isabelle screamed.  "You know exactly what we're talking about."

"Listen, I just heard that Alec was kidnapped and almost died. I came as soon as I could to check on him." 

Jace and Isabelle exchanged confused looks. 

Magnus stepped forward, magic surrounding his fingertips. "He's okay. No thanks to you."

"Magnus, what are you talking about?" Robert asked as Jace lowered his seraph blade. 

"You kidnapped him! You... you almost killed him!" Isabelle shouted. "Stabbing Magnus? Torturing Alec? Jace, kill him."

"Izzy, I think he's telling the truth," Jace said, putting away his blade. 

"Thank you, Jace."

"What?!" Izzy exclaimed. "He..."

"Emotions cloud judgment." Jace reminded her. 

"Listen to Jace, Isabelle," Magnus said, putting his hand on her shoulder. "I think someone framed your father."

"What? What do you mean?" Robert asked. "Where's Alec? What happened?"

Isabelle was crying now. "He wasn't breathing." She whispered between tears. "His heart stopped." 

"Where is he?" Robert asked again. 

"My apartment," Magnus said. 

"Would you mind if I go see him?" 

"I'm going with you," Magnus waved his hands and created a portal. He turned to Izzy and Jace. "I'll make sure nothing happens to him. You find Clary." And he stepped into the portal with Robert. 

When they arrived at the apartment, Magnus showed Robert to the living room. 

"He's just in here. I had to sedate him. He won't wake up until later tonight." 

Magnus walked into the living room and looked around. The couch was empty. The window was open. Alec was gone. 

Hey! Sorry for not updating in so long! And sorry for the short, somewhat uneventful chapter, but I had to update. If you liked this chapter, don't forget to comment and vote! Also, Magnus proposed to Alec on this day one year ago!!! (It's April 30th, 2020 right now.) 

Yayyyyyyyy!!!!! Okay, I'll stop. But seriously! Malec for life!!!


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