Chapter 16

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A/N: Some of the following chapter is in greek. The translations are written in bold.

Alec's POV

Around three hours ago, the guards had dragged Alec out of his cell and left him in another room. This one had bright lights and was warm. It was almost like a blessing, considering his cell had started to form icicles on the bars. Alec was deep in thought when the door opened, and Consul Penhallow stepped inside, a seraph blade hanging on her belt and a stele tucked in her front pocket.

"Mr. Lightwood?" She said, taking a step toward him. He didn't look up. He sat criss-cross applesauce, staring at his lap. "If you don't mind, I would like to ask you a few questions."

"What, am I going to say no?"

The Consul sighed. She kneeled down on the ground next to him. "Alec, you have to look at me." Alec raised his head and met her eyes. 

"You're right," The Consul said. "Blaming you for the cup is just an excuse. We all know who really took it."

"Then what do you want with me?"

"I want you dead." She said, pulling the dagger from her belt and holding it over Alec's chest. 

Magnus's POV

Magnus was soaked, but he didn't care. He was walking down an empty street as the rain poured down from above, the occasional lightning bolt brightening the sky. 

He had decided to practice some harder magic spells, to help him get his mind off of everything, but he had to get out of the city so Lorenzo wouldn't find out. When he was finally far away enough to begin, he stopped walking. He snapped a spellbook into his hands and started reading. 

"Καλώ τη δύναμη όλου του Εδώμ, και καλώ τις δυνάμεις του κακού." (I call upon all of the power of Edom and summon the forces of evil.) He stopped as another bolt of lightning lit up the night. "Τι σκέφτομαι;" (What am I thinking?) 

He dropped the spellbook. "Ω, Αλέξανδρος."(Oh, Alexander.) He wiped a tear from his eye. "I need to fix this." He whispered, snapping the spellbook back to wherever it came from. He waved his hands in front of him. "Δείξε μου τον Alexander Lightwood." (Show me Alexander Lightwood.)

The image that appeared in front of him was something he never would have expected. Alec stood next to the Inquisitor, staring in horror at the dead body of Jia Penhallow.

Jace's POV

1 hour earlier...

"Jace!" Clary shouted as he ran past her as fast he could. "Where are you going?" He ignored his girlfriend and continued running.

He stopped when he got to Alec's office. He opened the door, and ran inside. Alec looked up from the Ipad he was staring at. 

"Alec, are you okay?"

"Uh... yeah?" He replied, staring at him awkwardly.

"Our parabatia bond, I thought something had happened..."

"Parabatai bond?" He paused. "Oh! Yeah. Alec and Jace are parabatai." 

 Now Jace stood over Lydia, a seraph blade in his hand. 

"Why?" He asked.

Lydia didn't answer.

"Where's Alec? How long have you been pretending to be him?"

"It took you long enough to figure it out," She scowled. "You would think you would notice when somethings up with your parabatai pretty quickly."

"Where is he?"

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