Chapter 17

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Alec's POV

Alec felt weird standing on top of all of the broken pieces of cement and glass, with hundreds of Nephilim bowing down around him. Everything that had happened in the last hour flashed through his head in a flurry of images and words, but in the end, the only thing he cared about was getting to Magnus. 

"Rise," Imogen said, pulling Alec out of his thoughts. The shadowhunters all stood up slowly. "Now," Imogen turned to Alec. "Let's get you home."

Minutes later, he was in the Gard, standing in front of the open portal. 

"Thank you," Imogen said.

Alec turned to her, surprise clear on his face. "For what?"

"For everything. You know, silver is a rarer metal than gold."

Alec didn't know what she meant by that, but he smiled anyway. He stepped into the portal and came out seconds later on the steps of the New York Institute. He took a deep breath. Right before he opened the door, it swung open. 

"Alec?" Jace said. Someone pushed past Jace and wrapped their arms around Alec, holding him as if he let go Alec would disappear.

"Alexander," Magnus said, pulling away from the hug to look at him. "Is it really you?" 

"Yeah, it's me." He said just before Magnus pulled him in closer and pressed their lips together. Alec returned the kiss, closing his eyes. Magnus's lips were incredibly soft and moved in perfect harmony with Alec's. Alec broke the kiss, putting his forehead on Magnus's. "I missed you." 

"I missed you too, Alexander." Then he pulled away, his facial expression suddenly one of concern. "Are you hurt? What happened in Idris?"

Alec smiled. Clary, Simon, and Isabelle stood behind Jace in the doorway.

"What's wrong with your wrist?" Jace asked, gently grabbing his hand. 

"I think I broke it. But it's nothing that hasn't happened a hundred times before." Jace pulled up the corner of his shirt, tracing over his Iratze. He could feel the dozens of small cuts closing, and his wrist stopped hurting. 

Isabelle stepped forward and hugged him. "Alec, we've been so worried. Imogen told us about Jia." Then she made a face. "But you smell. Go take a shower and put on some clean clothes." She said, gesturing to his ripped up T-shirt. There was a small rip were Jia had tried to kill him, and the rest of it was pretty much in shreds. He chuckled. 

Magnus's POV

Alec had just gotten out of the shower, his damp hair sticking to his forehead. "Hey," he said, smiling. "You still never made me a bottle of that shampoo." He threw his towel over his shoulder. 

Magnus didn't answer. He just stared into Alec's eyes. They sparkled like diamonds. He couldn't believe that Alec was here, with him. 

"Magnus? Are you okay?" Alec asked, his smile fading as he put his hand on Magnus's cheek. 

"It's just," Magnus whispered. "When Lydia was glamored as you, she... she broke up with me. She said that Shadowhunters and Downworlders can't be together. And I've been wondering if maybe she was right. What if..."

"Magnus," Alec interrupted him. "I don't care if you're a downworlder, a shadowhunter, or even a demon. I love you. And nothing can change that."

"You really mean that?" Magnus said, looking up to meet Alec's gaze. 

"Of course I do," Alec smiled. 

And then he kissed him. Magnus wrapped his arms around Alec's neck, pulling him closer. He could feel Alec wrapping his strong arms around Magnus's waist. Magnus found himself wondering what he had done to deserve someone as perfect and amazing as Alexander.

Isabelle's POV

"Simon, that was amazing," Isabelle said, breathing heavily as she lay in bed next to her boyfriend.

"Well, what did you expect?" Simon smiled. "I'm the Great Simon Lewis. Your Lordship Daylighter. The all-powerful..."

Isabelle cut him off with another kiss. There was a knock at the door. Simon jumped up, sliding on a pair of pants and a t-shirt. Isabelle did the same. 

Jace opened the door and poke his head in. "What are you two doing?" 

"Nothing." Simon and Isabelle said at the same time. Isabelle knew she was blushing, even though she was trying really hard not too. 

"Sure..." he paused. "And Simon, your shirt is inside out." He said before leaving and shutting the door behind him. 

"Crap," Simon said, pulling his shirt off and putting it back on the correct way.

"You think he knows?" Isabelle asked. 

"You can never tell with Jace."

Clary's POV

Now that nobody was in danger of dying, Clary decided she was going to draw. Pulling out her sketchbook brought a rush of memories back to her. She hadn't drawn in such a long time. Not since before she turned evil. She shivered thinking of that. 

Jonathan was still out there somewhere. But at least they weren't connected by that horrible rune anymore. She grabbed a few pencils from a cup on her bookshelf and sat on her bed. She started to sketch without really think about what she was drawing. 

When she was done, she found herself looking at a drawing of Alec and Magnus, hugging on the steps of the Institute. She smiled. They truly were the perfect couple. Someone knocked on the door. 

"Come in!"

Jace opened the door and walked into her room, sitting on the bed next to her. 

"What are you drawing?" He asked. She turned the book so he could see the picture. "Wow, Clary. That's really good. It looks just like them." He smiled, taking the sketchbook in his hands. He started to flip through the pages. 

Normally, Clary didn't let people look through it. But for some reason, she didn't mind this time. He stopped on the page were Clary had drawn him standing on a building, looking out at the horizon, two giant angel wings sprouting from his back. He traced his fingers over the drawing, a small smile plastered to his face. 

Clary blushed. "I drew that when we first met. I saw it in a dream. So I drew it."

And now I know why, She thought, remembering when she had taken Jonathan's hand. They had both had wings. Jace's white, Jonathan's black. She didn't say it out loud though. She didn't want to ruin the moment. 

Somewhere in the middle of nowhere...

"Tomorrow night," Jonathan said to the hundreds of people in front of him. "We attack the New York Institute."

Hi! What do you guys think of this chapter? I read the romance section in my writing book I got for my birthday and then I tried to do what it said. I don't really know though. You tell me. Anyway, thanks for reading. Love y'all. Bye. :)


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