Chapter one:

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       Hi guys. This is my first ever attempt to write a novel, so feedback is extremely appreciated. Any tips would be great.. thanks!

Lily's POV 

                      "YOU'RE A FREAK!" yelled petunia. We were on a grassy hill surrounded by little yellow, white, and purple flowers. I had just shown my sister that I could make a flower bloom in the palm of my hand. I had expected her to be elated at my new found discovery. But instead she looked afraid.

 "But petunia..." I said, desperate to understand why she was acting like a prat. 

" Don't touch me, you freak!", for I had just tried to touch her arm. I tried to keep the hurt off of my face, but was unsuccessful. 

" Oh, don't look at me like that you attention seeking goat, how could you do such a thing? Wait until mum and dad find out. They'll throw you out for sure!"

"Petunia, i...." but she had already run off down the hill toward the house. With tears in my eyes, I ran off towards the nearest tree. I sat down at the foot of the tree and hugged my knees. 

" Are you alright?"

I looked around for whom the voice belonged to, but failed to find anyone.

"Up here." Said that high, rather cold sounding voice.

I scrambled up from my place at the foot of the tree. I looked up towards the branches and discovered who's voice it was. It belonged to a strange-looking boy, who had shoulder-length hair, which was greasy and jet black. Very visible cheekbones, a rather long nose, and very pale skin.

"I— I— erm...." what if this strange boy saw what happened between me and my sister? What if, he too, thought I was a freak?

As though he could read my mind, he said "don't worry, I am not going to call you a freak" " I'm Severus. Severus Snape, nice to meet you" As he jumped from the branch He was sitting on, he reached out his hand.

"I-I'm lily, lily Evans" I said as I reached out my own hand, and we shook hands. We stood there for a few minutes more, just staring at each other.  His eyes are rather dark. I thought. So dark they almost look black.  He was somewhat taller than I am, and rather thin. Noticing that I was starring, we both looked down at the ground with embarrassment.

He broke the silence first by saying " your not the only one who can do strange things that other can't"

I looked up, startled. "What do you mean?" I said trying to force my voice to sound calm.

"There are other people like you," he said " they're called wizards. Or witches depending on the gender."

"Are- are you a wizard?" I asked feeling stupid 


"" he said with a laugh. " I am too young  to have the title of a wizard, but I do have magical abilities, yes," " my mother is a witch, but my father is a muggle, which therefore makes me a half-blood."

"M-muggle?"......"half-blood?" I said with confusion. What in bloody hell was a muggle?

"Muggle is another term for nonmagical beings. You see, there is this wonderful place, it's called Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, there they teach you all about the ways of controlling your powers, and learning spells, hexes, and jinx's," said Severus 

"Can, can you tell me more about this Hogwarts, and the Wizarding  world?" I asked

"Yes" he said simply. And so I lied down on that hill next to a boy I barely knew, and listened as he explained the wonderful thing called Hogwarts.....

My love: a Lily Evans and James Potter fanficWhere stories live. Discover now