Chapter 7: truth or dare

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*** MASSIVE edit***

Lily's POV 

When we arrived at McGonagall's office, she offered us a biscuit, and we sat down. 

James and I were nibbling on our biscuits when the professor started talking. "As you know, Halloween is almost here, and I wanted to meet with you in my office because you two are to plan a Halloween ball. It is to take place the night before Halloween, it is up to you who is to attend, and the attire is to be appropriate. Oh and the day of Halloween the years 4 and above have the day off, and can start planning the Christmas party, which will take place the week before Christmas so that you can still go home to your family. In return, you will get an extra week of break. Goodnight" she said as we left her office.

"So she wants us to plan 2 whole balls? By ourselves?" James asks

"Well, we might be able to get some help from the prefects." I say and he nods

When we stopped in front of the portrait hole, Sirius, Remus, Alice, and Marlene were waiting for us. They couldn't get in without the head girl or boy being with them.

"Where's Peter?" I ask. He hasn't been around lately, but he's never here when the Slytherin isn't here either, everybody else thinks it's just a coincidence, and that he would never join the death eaters, but I just had a weird gut feeling that something wasn't right.

"Family emergency," Sirius replied causally. I said the new password, the password changes every time we have a meeting with McGonagall. Our new password was "merlins beard" 

We entered the common room, James sat down in one of the armchairs and motioned for me to sit in his lap, and when I did, Sirius let out a wolf whistle, making me blush. Remus and Alice sat in the other two armchairs while Marlene and Sirius sat on the couch. 

"Let's play truth or dare," I said without thinking. I had just been staring off into space while everybody else was having a conversation.

" wait, you, Miss-lets-keep-out-of-trouble-and-never-do-anything-fun, wants to play truth or dare....with the marauders?"  Sirius asked, with mock surprise.

"What? I'm bored, so let's do something fun." I said nonchalantly 

"Okay, but there are rules," Remus said, setting aside his book

" 1) you can't pick truth three times in a row-" He started

"And if you refuse a dare, you get an even more embarrassing dare-," Sirius said

"And everything that is said stays in this room, and no one else can know." James finished

Alice, Marlene, and I nodded in agreement.

"Great, who wants to go first?" I ask

"I will," Alice says, speaking for the first time since we got in here.

" lily, truth or dare?" She asks

"Ummm, truth," I say

" tell us what you smelled in the Amortentia potion three weeks ago." She said smiling.

How does she still remember that? I thought to myself.

" wait, I already told you that," I said. 

"Well, it seems as though I have forgotten." She said with a smirk. I sent her the death glare.

"Yea what did you smell in that potion anyway?" James asks. "We were partners and you wouldn't tell me what it was." He said, smiling when I turned around in his lap to look at him.

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