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okay so my birthday was 2 days ago and i got a bunch of new harry potter stuff. i got harry and james' wand, i got 2 light up patronus key chains, but i didnt get my patronus i got lunas and ginnys. i got the new book from the author of the hunger games, and i got this super super cool harry potter junk/scrap book from my aunt kates friend shauna, she made it specifically for me, with my house and quotes and my patronus and its just wonderful.  anyway, so we are going to do a little q and a because im bored and not in the mood to actually wright a chapter right now sooo......yea.

favorite song: river by eminem and ed sheeran.

favorite book:  harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban

favorite hp aminal:  buckbeak

favorite hp female: umbridge

jk i hate her, its actually hermione and luna

favorite hp male: remus, sirius, and neville

favorite slytherin: draco

favorite hufflepuff: cedric

favorite gryffindor: neville

favorite ravenclaw; luna

favorite fanfic on wattpad so far: lazuli, emerald, and saphire by barneyscrew. check it out.

favorite wattpad username: siriusly_a_marauder.

favorite muggle subject: english ad math

favorite hp subject: dada

favorite dada teacher: remus lupin.

favorite ships: jily, dramione, fremione, hinny, and wolfstar.

if you could change your name to anything harry potter related, what would it be: Victoria nova lupin black. i know, its  a long one.

your turn! answer these questions in the comments.

-- ct

My love: a Lily Evans and James Potter fanficWhere stories live. Discover now