Bonus chapter: full moon.

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I said I would write a chapter every full moon about the marauders and what they do on the full moon, but the full moon was 2days ago and I forgot. this is gonna be a pretty short chapter because there really isn't much to explain. I have 50 some reads and for me, that's pretty exciting. Yes I shall never be as gifted as jk Rowling but hey I mean 🤷‍♀️ 


James POV 

After class that day, the other marauders and I waited in the common room until Lilly had gone to bed. But lily took a while.

" Lily it's late why don't you go to bed," Sirius said, kinda anxious about the coming event. 

"And if I'm not tired?" She said

Oh shit, what if she knows about Remus' secret?!?!?!.

"I will go to bed when you four go to bed." She said, challenging.

Remus groans. Sirius rolls his eyes, and if I want any relationship with lily whatsoever, I know better than react like the other two.

" ugh since you lot won't tell me what's going on...I know exactly what's happening tonight, and once a month.....Remus is a werewolf." She whispered.

She had said it so fast that Remus, Sirius, Peter, and I looked up in shock.

"Wh-we-I-what? How did you know?" Remus asked finally, I and Sirius were still staring at her in awe and amazement.

Lily rolled her eyes. "Well, you are only talking to the brightest which of her age, plus I am really good a potions so I think I would recognize when Slughorn is brewing a wolfsbane potion. And it's quite obvious when you four leave once a month. Then I hear the howls, which is an obvious werewolf trait. I recognize the traits in Remus that a werewolf has. Scars, hearing, smell, eyesight, and slight muscles. Not to mention the fact that you, Peter, and Sirius are illegal animagi. I don't even know what your animals are."

Lily said looking smug and slightly annoyed that they underestimated her ability.

"And I'm coming with you." She said with a matter-of-fact tone.

At this everyone unfroze and broke into a frenzy.

"—no way-"

"-Absolutely not-"

"-Are you crazy!-"

"-Far too dangerous..."

Lily lifted her hand in the air, and we instantly shut up. "I will stay out of the way, and stay away so that Remus can't get directly to me. With three of you being animagi, you should be able to contain him partially, and I'm currently working on something, that might ease his pain." She said.

So, without her letting anymore protest, we got the invisibility cloak, marauders map (which sent lily into a lecture about why she didn't know about it), and an extra change of clothes for all of us (including lily) in case anything were to happen. 

We got to the whomping willow, Peter shifted and pressed on the, not as Sirius and I changed. Lily looked into my eyes as I transform, and was surprised when she saw that I still had hazel eyes as a stag.

Remus' transition was a violent one too. I stayed with lily half of the time in case Remus caught her scent. But I was there to help Sirius when it was time for Remus to change back. 

Lily was half asleep when we came back from the willow. I picked her up bridal style, and she rested her head on my shoulder. We got back to the common room and I placed her in her bed, covering her in the blankets. After placing a soft kid pass on her forehead, I went to my own common room.

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