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Hey guys. This is my first fanfic. All the characters belong to jk Rowling. I will try and update every day, except for on weekends. I see that I have thirty six reads, but no comments. Please comment your feedback and/or tips and stuff. Please and thanks. Bye

Oh and I also wanted to say, this because some people don't understand why when James died for lily, why didn't it protect her like her sacrifice saved Harry.

It didn't work because if it had worked, then lily would have been unable to die for Harry, therefor leaving him to be killed by Voldemort. And also perhaps James's love towards lily, wasn't nearly as much as her love for Harry. Some people also believe that lily was pregnant with their unborn child, this isn't true because in the book she said something along the lines of "protect my only child" and I'm pretty sure that if she were pregnant then she would have tried everything to save both children. 

Just wanted to clear that out.


My love: a Lily Evans and James Potter fanficWhere stories live. Discover now