Chapter 14: The letter.

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Lily's POV 

I Wake up to see hazel eyes looking at me. We stare at each other for like 30 seconds until James whispers "Good morning, beautiful."

"Oh stop." I mutter, slapping his arm as I get up.

He chuckles. "Hey, we don't have potions today, and every one else has it double today, so we have extra time alone." He said, wiggling his eyebrows. 

I sigh and roll my eyes. I start hunting around for my extra uniform. "James get out of bed, even if we don't have potions, we do still have other classes."

"Do I haaave tooooo?" He asked, while he rolled out of bed. "And besides, we could always NOT go to class" he Said, smirking.

"Oh, but then you wouldn't be able to see your latest obsession and the love of your life." i stated. He looked confused, automatically thinking I was talking about my self.

"Professor McGonagall" I finished, smirking. His eyes widened.

"Oh, Minnie, go out with me will you!? Or oh I just love you so much Mickey G.." I started teasing. Challenging him.

"Oh really?" He asked, standing up with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Mmhhmm" I hummed, while grinning like an idiot. I was right by the door, so when he ran towards me, I opened the door, and ran, but didn't get very far when he grabbed me by the waist, and threw me over his shoulder.

Giggling like crazy, I tried to say put me down, but was too out of breath.

Finally he sat down on the couch and moved me so I was sitting on his lap. Our faces were close together, so naturally, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his, of course, as a distraction.

After about five minutes, I silently used my wand to open the portrait hole door. Pulling away from the kiss, I said, "close your eyes"  I carefully moved so he wouldn't think I was getting up. I quickly walked over towards the door, stopped in the doorway and said, "you can open your eyes now."

He slowly opened them, and I waited until he looked my way for a few seconds. When he finally stood up, an evil is he grin on his face, I jogged out the door and to the great hall. I heard him quietly chuckle behind me, before jogging to catch up with me. 

As soon as he started jogging, I full out ran. Laughing harder, he ran after me. He was fast, but I was faster. Running up and down the hill with Severus, especially after we would prank petunia, had trained my legs so they were used to it.

Running a little faster, I quickly sit down at the Gryffindor table. It was early, so there weren't many people here.

James is breathing heavy as he sits down next to me. "" he said in between breaths.

I smirked. "What's the matter prongsie?  I thought you ran as fast as a stag?" I teased.

"Shhhh" he said, even though he was smiling. "We have head boy and girl meetings today so we don't have to go to the last class." He said.

"Yea, we can use that time period to plan the dances at the end of this month and the on in December." I said.

He rolled his eyes. 

After eating some waffles and bacon ( they don't let us have tacos for breakfast, sadly) we went back to the common room and watched as the others went to double potions. 

James and I decided to walk to the kitchens, get food, take it back to the common room and just talk. 

When we got to the portrait of a bowl of fruit, James tickled the pear and a hidden door opened to reveal the kitchen. House elves worked here, but they were happy about being employed here. Sure, they didn't get paid, but they didn't want to be paid.

When we were ready to leave, we walked down the corridor with a tray for each of us, and had 2 or 3 floating behind us by our wands.

Sitting down in front of the fire with our many trays of food and things to drink, we chatted a bit about little  things like classes and quidditch and such. We were just starting on the topic of wether Remus was gay, when something hit the window the a small tap.

Looking over to see what it was, we see a pretty snow owl, with dark green eyes and a yellow beak. Opening the window, the owl flew straight to James. He took the letter from the owl.

"This is addressed to you" he said, handing me the letter. I look down at it and see a unfamiliar handwriting. Shrugging, I said "I'll just  open this at lunch." Not caring about the letter.

After finishing our foods and the conversation, we sent back the trays to the kitchen and waited for our friends to come back from potions. When they arrived, we walked down to the great hall as Marlene and Sirius told us about what happened in potions.

"No one finished their potion! So y'all don't have to be in class tomorrow either, but Sirius kept stirring it the wrong way, so we had to start all over!" Marlene was explaining.

"So did half of the class" Sirius muttered. I had my letter in my hand as we walked into the great hall.

James and I sat next to Marlene, who sat across from peter, Remus, and Sirius. Alice was probably off somewhere shagging frank.

After eating shepherds pie, everyone was chatting amongst themselves. When I was reaching over to slap Sirius' arm at something he said, when a white envelope caught my eyes. Recognizing the letter from earlier today, I grab it and James glances at me. I don't know why but I was nervous. 

I opened the letter carefully, and pulled out a pale white piece of parchment. 

At first I skimmed through it, not really reading it. But I caught words like "very sorry" and "best wishes" finally I read through the whole thing

While reading through it, my heart shrank and shrank until I wasn't one hundred percent sure I even had a heart anymore. 

The people who truly had my heart were dead.


James POV 

Everyone was shocked as lily put the letter down, lifted her hand to her mouth, and ran out of the great hall. And I mean everyone was shocked. Literally. Hagrid had dropped his fork, and McGonagall's eyes were wide.

I quickly grabbed the latter and read,

Dear miss lily Evan,

We regret to tell you, but on the night of October the 8th, death eaters arrived at your home. Your sister was away at the time, but sadly your parents were not. They did not survive. We are so very sorry for your loss, and hope you will be fine..

Ministry of Magic

After reading the letter, only one thought ran through my mind.

Oh shit I thought to my self as I ran out the door lily ran out of just moments ago.

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