Chapter 6: part 2

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James POV 

After defense against the dark arts on Friday, the other marauders, Lily, Marlene and I were heading towards the great hall for lunch. When we got there, lily sat between Marlene and I, while Sirius sat across from me, Remus across from Lily, and Peter across from Marlene.

No one talked as we dug in to our food. Sirius and I were eating burgers, Remus was eating hamburger soup, Peter was eating a salad, along with Marlene. Lily, however, was eating a taco. Correction, she had 6 tacos on her plate. Marlene started staring at her in disbelief before Lily even got the chance to take a bite of her food. "Your really gonna eat a taco? Their soo greasy, and  they're gross."

Lily looked offended. " I absolutely love tacos. If I wanted to eat nothing but greens, I would become a vegetarian. Or a cow, like this one was." She said, pointedly taking a bite of her taco. 

I suppressed a laugh. "What." She asked, turning towards me. I threw my hands in the air as a surrender. "Nothing," I said. Winking at her, only so that she could see. And she winked back.

When I went to ask Sirius how his early detention with McGonagall went, he was eyeing me and lily, which meant he saw the whole exchange. Sirius cleared his through and said. "Well prongs and I have some planning to do, so we will see you lot later. Won't we prongsie?" 

"Ummm, yea" I said quickly. I got up and fallowed Sirius out of the great hall, and we didn't stop walking until we reached an empty class room. He opened the door and gestured that I fallow him. After we entered and he closed the door, he leaned up against a desk and said. "Now, do you care to explain what's going on between you and Evans."

"It's lily, not Evans," I said without thinking. 

"Oh so suddenly it's lily, right. Well you might want to spill what's happened between you and lily, or I'm whipping out the truth serum." Sirius threatened. 

Sighing, I told him everything that happened last night. I ended with, "And then I woke up early in the morning and carried her to her bed, and then went to my mine. Happy?" I said, slightly irritated.

"Let me get this straight, she basically died, but you brought her back to life?"

"....well...yea basically," I said, not sure where he was going with this.

"And then you two cuddled?" 

"Yes." I answered still confused

"Which she didn't protest, and then SHE kissed YOU?"

"Yes?" I said still very confused

Suddenly padfoot started  to smile. " wooo! Way to go prongsie! Lily Evans finally gave you the time of day.!"

"Shhhh keep it down, she asked me not to tell anyone yet, and the only reason Remus knows is because he did the same thing you did, threaten me with a truth serum." 

"But you know that now I have to tell Peter."

"Alright, but don't let it slip to her friends, let her do it in her own standards" I said, praying to God he listens.

When we were walking back to the great hall, Sirius ran ahead of me as we got nearer to the entrance. " Padfoot..." I warned but he continued to run towards Lily. Then he sat down next to her, and whispered something in her ear. 

He got up and returned to his spot when I got there, leaving lily standing looking shocked. I stood next to her looking back and forth between her and Padfoot. When Sirius winked at her, smirked, then said " have a nice night last night Evans?" 

I quickly glanced towards Lily, just in time to see her eyes turn from shock to plain fury. I hadn't seen anyone more angry, glancing back towards Padfoot, I saw that he saw this too, and was now looking terrified.

 Before I could stop her, Lily was around the table in an instant, and grabbed Sirius by a handful of  his hair and pulled tightly. She leaned down so that her mouth was even with his ear and murmured loud enough so that only padfoot and I heard her, and said " if you ever, ever, so much as tease me about what I do with James again, Black, and I swear to Merlin I will permanently curse you so that your hair disappears and never grows. Do you understand me?" She asked pulling Padfoots head back slowly. He swallowed loudly and whispered "yes." 

Lily then let go of his hair and looked at me pointedly, and walked off. I understood that she wanted me to fallow her.

I fallowed lily all the way to our common room, and she didn't say anything until the door was closed and she was standing in front of me with her arms crossed. 

"You. Told. Padfoot. What. Happened." She said quietly, taking deep breaths between words.

"I- wait how did you know his nickname was padfoot?" I asked 

"Because well I don't know, maybe because we have been in the same house for 7 YEARS!!"  Said, shouting the last part. 

" Lily he's my best friend, I couldn't just lie to him. I'm sorry and I know you don't want to hear it but somethings you just tell your best friends, no matter what it is and-"

" no, no your right, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have reacted that way, but he just made me sooo angry,  with all his teasing all the time and he found the last straw tonight, and ,oh I should probably go and apologize .."she started to walk past me, looking guilty. I wrapped my arms around her waist and dragged her to the couch. " James I really do need to go and apologize."

"I know, but you can do that later. Right now your gonna sit here, with me, and calm down."

"Oh I am, am I?" She said, challenging,

"Yes, yes you are." I said, challenging her back

"Ok!" She said, not engaging. 

She sat down next to me, and rested her head in my shoulder.

A few minutes later and the portrait hole opened, and I looked over to see Padfoot standing there looking extremely guilty and slightly afraid. Lily looked at Sirius but didn't bother to move.

"Ah, listen Lily, I just wanted to apologize, sometimes I forget not everything I do everyone thinks is funny, and well to be honest I forgot that you had quite a temper, but I understand that I stepped way out of line, so, ah, yea" he said, turning to leave.

"Sirius, wait." Lily said quietly. " stay." 

Sirius looked at her quizzically, " actually, no, go get Peter, Remus, and Marlene. We can all hangout here  today. Besides, tomorrow is a teacher work day and I'm feeling rebellious," she finished, smiling slightly.

Sirius, catching on, went to get the others, while Lily and I just stayed where we were, not even bothering to move.

Before Sirius came back, McGonagall came through the open portrait hole and said " miss Evans, you and Mr. Potter are late for your monthly meeting with me.

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