Chapter 3:

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Hey, I made it to the third chapter. I wanted to give up on the first chapter but realized that I have a commitment problem so here we go.


Lily's POV 

James and I get up from the tables along with our fellow Hogwarts students. But instead of fallowing the other Gryffindor kids to the common room, James and I head towards professor Dumbledore's office in silence.

"What do you think he wants us for?" asked James, breaking the silence. "Probably to explain to us our head girl and boy duties," I tell him. He nods his head. 

By now we have reached the eagle-like statue and James gives the password of acid drops. We step onto the little platform that leads us to the hall to Dumbledore's office. I raise my hand to knock, but Dumbledore says "Come in" before I get the chance. 

The door opens on its own, and James and I enter Dumbledore's office. As we walk in Dumbledore smiles at us, and closes the door behind us. Professor McGonagall is standing in the corner. 

 " As you can imagine, you are here so that I can explain to you your duties as head girl and boy. Now, since both of you are head of the perfects, you will have patrols together after curfew. You will also be in charge of planning events such as dances, Quidditch games, Hogsmeade trips, and other activities. Also as head boy and girl, you can take and give points to all of the houses, including your own. I hope you will not take advantage of this privilege and will exercise it responsibly. Now, Minerva here will escort you to your new dormitory and help you set up a password."

Professor McGonagall steps forward and starts to walk towards the door when I say, " I-I'm sorry professor, but did I hear you correctly when you said that we will have a new dormitory...together."

"Yes, that is correct." Said Dumbledore. "Is that a problem, miss Evans?"

"No sir," I said quickly. " I was just making sure I heard you correctly that's all."

"And you James, do you have a problem sharing a dormitory with Miss Evans."

"No sir!" he says a little too quickly. Almost as if he was excited to share a dormitory with me. Of course, he wouldn't mind sharing a dormitory with you, you dimwit. He likes you remember? Said a little voice in my head. 

I rolled my eyes as McGonagall walked us to our dormitory. As we stoped In front of a portrait of Sir Phineas, Sirius's grandfather, McGonagall turned toward us and said " pick a password. James and I looked at each other.

 "How about Quidditch?" I asked James. His eyes widened. He knows that I don't particularly like Quidditch, so I can see why he was surprised. "Sure." He said. 

McGonagall turned towards the portrait and said "The new password is Quidditch."

"Yes ma'am!" Shouted Phineas, as though he were a soldier. Then the frame swung forward to allow us through the portrait hole. 

"You may return to the Gryffindor common room anytime you'd like to retrieve your belongings, or to simply visit with your friends. Goodnight, I shall see you in class on Monday."

"Goodnight professor" James and I mumbled.

We turned toward the open portrait hole. From the door way it looked like the Gryffindor common room, but newer and cleaner. There were 4 arm chairs, 1 semi-long couch, 4 desks, a very large bookshelf full of books, and two miniature staircases. One leading to a door labeled James Potter, the other labeled Lily Evans. In the right side, there was a door labeled kitchen.

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