Chapter 2:

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Hey guys! ;p! I just wanted to let you know that all characters belong to j.k. Rowling. This chapter is kinda long so hold on. Now, this is my first fanfic ever so feedback is appreciated. Thanks, guys!


Lily's POV 

" Mum, I will see you in a couple of months, it's not like I'm vanishing forever you know," I said. 

My family was at Kings Cross Station to see me off to Hogwarts for my seventh year. Well, my whole family except my sister Petunia, who has resorted to ignoring me at all cost. And if she can't avoid me she calls me " freak" as if it's my new name. She doesn't really appreciate the fact that Im a witch.

"Oh, all right." Said my mum, she had finally let go of me. " and I really am sorry for Tunie anyway, have a nice year. We love you!" she shouted as I started walking off toward the train. " love you too mum and dad!" I yelled over my shoulder. 

Once on the train, I head towards the compartment that me and my friends, Marlene McKinnon, and Alice Fortescue, usually share with the Marauders. Once at the compartment, I see that Alice and Marlene were already there.

 "Lily!!!!" They screamed in unison. " hey guys" I said with a smile, grateful that the marauders weren't there yet.

 "Are either of you gonna help me get this trunk through the door or not" I said, struggling to get it through the door.  

" Need help lily?" Came a voice from behind me. I instantly recognized the voice. It was from one of the marauders, Remus lupin, also my fellow Gryffindor perfect and third best friend. 

"Yes please" I said without turning around. Once the trunk was through the doors I turned to hug Remus, but it wasn't Remus at the end of my trunk. 

"Hello Evans. Have a nice break" said James Potter  with his usual smile

"Yes, Potter, except for Petunia acting like a total hag but I mean" I said,  " I see you beat Remus to the other end of my trunk" I said rolling my eyes. 

Instead of answering, he just smiled as he, Sirius, Remus, and Peter all piled into the compartment. As soon as they sat down on the bench across from Alice and Marlene, James and Sirius started rough housing, leaving Peter to sit at the very end of the bench so he didn't get hit, and Remus having to sit with me, Alice, and Marlene.

" Boys, won't you to quit it out, I mean, Peter's flinching every time one of you move." I said. Did they always have to act like children? Alice and Marlene were talking about what they did over the summer. Feeling like a third wheel, I turn to talk to Remus, only to find that he already has his nose in a book. 

"Whatcha reading," I asked Remus. " Hogwarts: a history" he said from behind his book.

"Really? Again? How many times have you read that book?" I teased. This boy really was a book worm.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe about thirty six times, not including this time" he said with a smile as he removed his nose from the book. " it's no point, I guess, reading with all this racket." He said with a pointed look towards James and Sirius, who were snickering  back and forth at each other

" well I better get going" said James. I looked up at him with a questioning look. " where are you going Potter?" 

"You'll see Evans." He said with his smile. God that smile made me want to kiss him. no no no Evans stop right there! You do NOT like Potter. He is nothing but a rude toe-rag. I thought as he left the compartment.

My love: a Lily Evans and James Potter fanficWhere stories live. Discover now