Chapter 8: first date

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Lily's POV 

I woke up to be blinded by the sun coming through my window.

It's Sunday morning,  so I don't have classes. I get up, grab black distressed skinny jeans, black crop top, forest green jacket, and put my hair into a pony tail. I left me room and walked into the common room to see James asleep on the couch, with his glasses sitting crooked on his face, and a book placed on his chest.

James Potter with a book? I thought I my self. I've never seen him read a book for fun. I lift his legs so that they're in my lap as I sit on the couch. I sat there for about an hour until he woke up. When he saw me he immediately sat up straight. "Crap I'm sorry." He mumbled.

I laughed and said " c'mon let's go get breakfast." 

"But it's 8:30 in the morning." He protested

I sighed. "Just come on." I said grabbing his hand and almost dragging him to the great hall. When we got there, there wasn't  many students, since it's this early. We ate cereal and toast, then James went back to the common room as I went to the library.

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James POV 

When I got to the door of the common room, there was a notice nailed to the wall beside the portrait hole. It said that the first hogsmaede was the up coming weekend. 

"I wonder if lily would want to go with me...but that leaves Sirius, Remus, and Peter by themselves...." unable to make a decision, I head towards the gryffindor common room instead. I open the door and run into the boys common room and launch my self on my old bed without giving the others time to react.

"What the hell James you scared the shit out of me." Peter complained

"What's  wrong Prongsie?" Sirius asked.

"There'sahogsmadetripthisupcomingweekendandIwanttogowithlily,butIdon'twanttoleaveyouthreebyyourselves." I aid in one breath.

" well then just invite her to come with us." Remus said, as though it was obvious.

I got up and ran to the door. "Oh my god moony your a genius." I said before clapping him on the back and leaving.

I entered our common room to see lily sitting on the couch. I cleared my throat. "Ahem, Lily...?"

She sighed and set down her book. "I was wondering if you would.....if you would go to hogmaede with the Marauders and I." I said quietly.

She just sat and watched me. When I blushed she smiled. "Yes I will go to hogsmaede with you and the other Marauders." She replied. I went over to where she was sitting on the couch, " watcha reading?" I asked.

"Withering heights." She said. "It's a muggle book so you wouldn't know it. It's my favorite book. My mom got it for me the birthday after I got my acceptance letter." 

"That's sweet" I said. If it was her favorite book, then I was going to read it. But I would probably have to ask Remus if he had a copy and to explain all the muggle references. 

"So, I will meet you down by the great hall this weekend At noon, ok" lily said, hitting up and going to her room. She didn't wait for my reply.


Lily's POV 


I was leaving the library when someone grabbed me from behind and shoved me into the nearest classroom. Before I could see who it was, they were crashing their lips to mine in a very uncomfortable kiss. I knew immediately that these lips didn't belong to james, so shoved who ever it was off of me, and while doing so, they but down on my lip, hard. Yelping, I shove who ever it was off completely and easing my sleeve up to my lip to stop the bleeding. I look up to see Severus looking at me with guilt, but with anger at the same time for being rejected.

" what the hell, Severus?" I asked glaring into his eyes " that fucking hurt you know, and you have no right practically kidnapping me into a room of which I don't want to go into, and kissing me without my permission. That is greater than any insult you could ever give me, even more than calling me a mudblood. Now goodbye Severus and if you ever touch me again I will hex you into oblivion." I said reaching for the door handle

"Lily wait." He started, grabbing my arm and pulling me away fro  the door.

"Lily I'm   sorry about calling you such a horrible thing. I wanted to prove to James that I didn't need you, that You didn't have to be there in order for me to protect my self. And I don't regret that kiss. Lily I have loved y-" I cut him off.

"Save it, Severus. You might not have wanted me there, but I needed to be there. I needed my only friend. Someone to gossip to. Someone who had my back. But instead you blew me off, and called me that filthy word. I will never love you, even as a friend. Accept the facts serverus. Now I will be leaving, wether you like it or not." I exited the hallway and ran to the common room.

Thankfully, James wasn't there yet, so I had time to heal the cut in my lip. After my cut was healed, james walked in seconds after I sat on the couch and started reading.

Flashback over

Laying in my bed thinking about what James has just asked me, I was thankful he didn't notice something wrong. I did t feel like telling him about Severus until I told my friends and asked for advice. I looked at the clock and realized that I had rounds with Remus. 

Rushing out the door, I hurriedly rushed to the gryffindor portrait hole where I was supposed to meet Remus. Sure enough, he was standing there waiting for me. 

"Sorry, I forgot about rounds tonight." He smiled and said "it's fine, I was a few minutes late myself." We had started walking. After a few minutes of walking, Remus said " is something wrong lily? You've been chewing the inside of your cheek for a while now." 

Well, you have to promise not to tell James, I will tell him when the time is right. Okay?" Remus nodded.

"I was coming back from the library when someone grabbed me from behind and roughly shoved me into a empty classroom. Before I could see who it was, they were kissing me, and god was it awful. I knew instantly that those lips weren't from James, so I tried to shove them off. When I did, they hit down on my lip hard, causing it to bleed. After yelping and forcing them off completely, I saw that it was Severus. I told him that if he ever touched me again I would hurt him. I went to leave and he grabbed my arm,and told me that he never meant to call me a mudblood, and that he loved me. I told him that I didn't need him and would never love him and left. Remus, if he has enough guts to do that, I'm afraid of what else he's capable of. I'm also afraid of what James will do if he finds out."

 I finished as I saw Remus glance over my shoulder and nod slightly. Before I could turn and see what he was looking at, he said " lily I'm sorry you had to go through that. Severus has lost his mind since that day in fifth year,  ur promise you, James will understand completely and will not judge you. It's late, so I should go. I'll see you tomorrow alright?" He said and I nodded. I turned the corner to see James standing there holding a tray of food.

"I heard your door slam so I fallowed to see what that noise was for incase you were upset. When I saw that you were just late for rounds, I went to the kitchen to get food, and was on my way back to the common room when I heard you talking to Remus. Lily I know that I had to right to eaves drop,  i am so sorry you had to go through that and I promise not to overreact it if he ever so much as glances at you wrong, I will curse him. But other than that, I figured we could go back to the common room and eat the food I got. I got ice cream, chocolate brownies, the hole lot."

 He said smiling like an idiot. I smiled and fallowed him to the common room, where we stayed up all night and laughed and joked and maybe snogged a little bit.

My love: a Lily Evans and James Potter fanficWhere stories live. Discover now