Chapter six:

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Hello. I see that I have some readers, which I am so excited about, but please comment below with tips, advice, and feedback. YES, THIS MEANS YOU ELLIE!!!!!!


Lily's POV 

"Ugh," I mutter as I open my eyes, only to be blinded by the light coming through the window by my bed. bed? I don't remember coming in here last night... I thought, just as flashes of what happened last night come rushing into my head.

 Nearly drowning.... opening my eyes to see James hovering over me, helping me get water out of my lungs....helping me into his sweatshirt, cuddling on the couch.......snogging for god knows how long. Wait, snogging....oh my god I snogged James freakin Potter. And fell asleep on the couch with him!

I sit up, looking around my room. " oh god, what am I going to do?" I say. And it wasn't like he came on to me, I came at him. No longer able to postpone the inevitable. I sigh and open my door, to go to our kitchen, when I see Remus and James playing exploding snap I front of the empty fireplace. 

At first James doesn't notice me, but Remus does. "Good morning Lily," Remus says with a knowing smile. I groan. "You know?" "Know what?" He asked innocently. 

Finally I look towards James. "You told him?" I asked. "Well in my defense, he threatened to use the truth serum on me if I didn't tell him why I was so smiley, so I had no choice. Sorry Lils." He said, without any hint of meaning the apology, and with a smirk on his face. "Oh, and by the way, nice hairdo." He teases, laughing.

 My eyes widened, as I suddenly realize that I am still in my shorts and his sweatshirt, with my hair probably looking like a owls nest. I turn around and run to my room closing the door behind me.

I grab a pair of black skinny jeans, and peel off my crisp clothes from yesterday. After throwing on my jeans and a t-shirt, I realize it's somewhat cold in here. Thinking about grabbing a long-sleeved shirt instead, I remember James's sweatshirt. I picked it up and sniffed it. It still smelled like him. "Oh what the hell," I mutter before I slip his sweatshirt over my head again.

 Grabbing a brush and attempting to tame my hair, I put half of it up, leaving the bottom half down. Without bothering to put any makeup on, I take a deep breath and open my bedroom door, and walk towards the chair that James was resting his back against while he and Remus were still playing exploding snap. 

"Nice sweatshirt," Remus says. "I think I've seen that one before...oh wait...."  he says, smirking at James, making both of us blush furiously. "Where's Sirius and Peter," I ask as I slide into the chair James is resting against, and start trying to neaten his hair. "They got I trouble with professor McGonagall," James replied.

"Ugh" I say " does it ever stay down" I mutter quietly when I can't get his hair to flatten. "Nope," James says with a laugh. I look over at the clock on the mantle. "It's only 8:30," I say. "Yep, and I should get going, I think I know two certain people who need some alone time," Remus said with a satisfied smile as he left the common room.

" bout some breakfast?" James ask after a while. "Sure" I reply softly. I grab a book as he goes into our kitchen. A few minutes later, I smell a faint burning smell. Suddenly suspicious, I get up and walk towards the kitchen door, where the smell gets stronger. 

Throwing open the kitchen door, I see James standing in front of the stove, wearing a pink apron with flowers all over it, humming softly to himself while moving his hips to the "music" I started laughing at the sight In front  of me, but then he turns towards me and I see the burnt pancakes in the pan he's holding. 

Then I see his face. He had taken off his glasses, and his face was covered in soot. The only place that wasn't covered in soot, was where the outline of his glasses would have been. I immediately start laughing so hard that I have to sit down in one of the chairs at the bar before I fall over. 

James looks at me and asks " what's so funny?" Which makes me laugh even harder. I point to the mirror behind him and he turns around. When he see's his reflection, he starts laughing out loud too. After a while we are so out of breath that our faces are as red as my hair. Finally able to catch my breath I say " what happened to the pancakes."

"What do you mean what happened to the pancakes? They looked like this when my mom used to make them, she used to put chocolate syrup in it so they looked brown..." he said, confused

"James, did you add the chocolate syrup?" "Well no, because I never saw her put any in the pancakes while she was cooking them?" He said defensively.

"Did you ever watch her make the batter?" I ask

"Well no, I always figured she put the chocolate syrup in there by magic.." he said quietly 

Feeling guilty, I get up and walk towards where he is by the stove. He had his eyes closed so  I secretly turned the stove off before the pancakes burned even more.

" I'm sure she did  it by magic. Can we eat now?" I ask, trying to sound excited to eat his pancakes. He smiled hugely and started making plates. We went to sit down at the table. He tried to cut off a piece of pancake with his fork, but was unsuccessful. Instead he picked it up and tried to rip off a piece with his teeth. "I don't remember mums pancakes being this hard" he mumbles around the pancake, still trying to rip it apart with his teeth.

 He gives up and watches as I delicately nibble around the edges of my pancake, where it was the softest. I watch as his features soften. "They're burnt aren't they?" He asks quietly. Putting my pancake down, I nod slowly. He starts laughing when he gets up from the bar. " what's so funny" I ask, repeating his words from earlier this morning. "You actually tried to eat my pancakes even after you knew they were burnt." He managed to say between breaths.

He comes back to the bar with two bowls of cereal. When he sits down and hands me my bowl, I automatically dig in. He hadn't touched his bowl when suddenly says. "Listen, about last night, I know that might not have been what you wanted and I'm sorry-" he starts to say before I cut him off

"I don't regret anything," I say nonchalantly, still eating my cereal. I look up to see him watching me intently, with slight relief on his face.

"Listen, if you hadn't had been there, I could very much be dead right now. So, no, I don't regret anything, especially anything that happened afterwards." I say, getting up and winking at him as I go to the sink to rinse my bowl. "I don't want to tell our friends just yet. It'll be our little secret. Oh and remus's too I guess." I say with a laugh. "So your really not mad." He asks. "No," I say looking him in the eye as I kiss his lips quickly. 

"Now, if you want more of that, you'll just have to catch me." I tease.

 I see a familiar mischievous glint come to his eyes as he gets up and walks towards me. Giggling, I run out the kitchen and through our common room, but he catches up with me quickly and I lean up against the wall, and he puts his arms on the wall on either side of my head and kisses me. He pulls away long enough to smile at me, and I duck underneath his arm and to the portrait hole, opening it quickly, and running down the corridor in my socks. I hear him chuckle as he closes the door and runs after me all the way to the great hall.

Skidding to a stop right in the doorway, I turn quickly to see him sliding to a stop, him also being in his socks. He slows and starts walking towards me. By time he's two feet away I jog backwards to where Marlene,Sirius, and Remus are sitting. They're all watching James and I. Remus is watching with a smile on his lips, and Marlene and Sirius are looking back in forth between James and I, with bewildered expressions. I struggle to quit giggling by time I reach Sirius and Marlene, who are looking at me and James suspiciously.

When I sit down next to Marlene, across fro Sirius, they both turn towards me and say "Nice sweatshirt." In unison. Unable to stop giggling that the fact they said it at the same time I say " cold...and erm...James here...erm ...let me borrow his sweatshirt." I finish stupidly, knowing that neither of them were buying it, but we're thankfully not pushing for any further questions. They go back to their food, so I glance at James to see him smiling, while helping himself to some pumpkin juice.

My love: a Lily Evans and James Potter fanficWhere stories live. Discover now