chapter 17

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hey guys, so im not grounded for three weeks while i am in georgia so i can write alot more.

i was faithful and started writing chapters on paper, and it SUCKED. no spellcheck, i had to actually use a dictionary, i had to sit there and count all the words by my self because i had nothing to do it for me. and i figured that since its been a while since i have posted a good decent chapter, this one is gonna be like super long for me to write, but like kinda short for yall to read but i mean hay i tried so like dont kill me. also i learned how to do bold and crap like that so yay

James pov 

we were all in the common room just hanging out. a lot has happened in the past two days for some of us. Remus and Sirius were suddenly a thing. Well i mean we all knew that Remus was gay, and we had our suspicions about Sirius, but we didn't confront him about.

anyway, it was just me, lily, Remus,  Sirius, Marlene, peter, Alice, and frank

lily and i were sitting on the love seat, Sirius and Remus were sharing the couch, Alice and frank were sharing an arm chair, and Marlene and peter sat on the floor playing exploding snap.

frank, Marlene, Sirius and i came back from quidditch practice half hour ago. Marlene and frank are two out of 4 of our  chasers, Sirius is one of our beaters, (the other was m.g. Mcgonagall) and i am captain and seeker.

so we were all sitting around conversing between ourselves when it happened.

"remmy, can i have a piece of your chocolate?'' Sirius asked Remus with every ounce of bravery he had in him.

every one stopped talking immediately.  every single one of us had shocked expressions except for lily.

now, there is only one thing in the world that Remus loves more than his over sized sweatshirts, and thats chocolate.

oh and i guess you can count Sirius now but still.

absolutely no one asked Remus for his chocolate.

but to every ones surprise, Remus pulled out his ever present bar of chocolate and gave Sirius half, HALF!

Remus smirked at everyone's faces.

" he isn't the only one i have given chocolate to." he said smirking and staring lily in the eye.

she suddenly started making very violent shakes of her head, her eyes widening.

"i have giving lily chocolate tons of times." Remus finished.

lily sighed in defeat, but then started looking extremely smug.

" yea, but he's giving me whole bars of chocolate."  staring right back at Remus. every one gave a very dramatic gasp, and turned toward Remus. 

"okay, we have major problem here. i cant believe that lily got chocolate and didn't share with her best friends." Marlene said giving me the death stare. Alice nodded her head and stared at me.

"thats not even the problem, the main problem is that Remus, my boyfriend, gave a girl, A GIRL, chocolate, and that girl just had to be lily. i never thought that lily could top me in anything besides classes, but here we are, our sweet remmy has proved us wrong yet again." he said, only half joking.

in response, Remus half dragged half carried Sirius out of the common room with a huge smile on his face.

after a few moments of silence, Alice spoke up. "i gotta admit, James, you and lily are cute together." she said.

"thank you." i said wit a very smug look towards lily.

"but not as cute as Sirius and Remus" Marlene Alice and frank said at the same time.

"i know....." i mumbled. 

''OMG'' Alice shouted making all four of us jump.

"we have to go get your costume like now lily." she said.

the three girls jumped up.

the two girls kissed their boyfriends while Marlene just stood there looking awkward. they left, leaving frank and i in silence for a good five minutes.

with a shake of his head and muttering "girls" underneath his breath, frank said goodnight and left.

deciding i would wit up for lily, i grabbed the copy of wuthering heights that Remus let me borrow, and lied down on the couch to read the first chapter.

now, reading isnt exactly a thing i like to do on my free time,  but damn this book was good. i cud almost see how lily liked it so much.

i was on chapter 16 when i felt my eyes getting heavy, and lily wasn't back yet. deciding i would only rest my eyes or a little while.............

lily"s pov

it wasn't easy  getting a Halloween costume,  and not telling James about it. he would give me those puppy dog eyes every time i wouldn't tell him what i was wearing. 

so, of course, he wouldn't tell me what he was going to wear.

any-who, i am going as a huntress. i am going to wear a black, long sleeves, blouse with a simple long black skirt. i'll have the classic wooden bow and arrow kit with the intricate designs. my hair is going to be flat ironed, then put into a long braid going over my shoulder. theres going to be light make up and im wearing very tricky stiletto knee high boots. 

Im still trying to practicing in them.

Alice is going as the muggle goddess Aphrodite. she will be wearing a simple light, flowy lilac dress. her dress goes great with her pixie cut and sandals.

in my opinion, Marlene's dress is the best. she is going as a medieval princess, which is perfect for her pretty features and long blond wavy hair. the dress is scarlet and gold, typical gryffindor colors. her heels are gold and she will have a choker that is red..

now, the other boys besides James told me what they were wearing.

frank, going off of Alice's outfit, is going as Aphrodite's lover, ares. hes going to have a white under shirt, with a brown sued Armour over the top. this is going with his brown pants and old fashioned black shoes

ever sine remus and i told the others about fairy tales and Disney, everyone thought that it would be a good idea for him to go as the mouse when he turned into a coachman in Cinderella. because mice and rats are almost the same thing so i  mean..

he is going to where the long blue tailcoat with the black pants, wig, white shirt, shoes, and brown vest.

now, Remus and Sirius costumes are genius. since the only people who know who the others are going a are us girls, there costumes are cute. they are going as each other.

Remus stole Sirius' leather jacket, and is going to where converse, beetles shirt, and ripped black jeans to go with it. he was also wearing a beanie and it is going to adorable. oh and he is also oging to wear his glasses. sirius and i are the only ones that know remus sometimes wears glasses. so its and inside joke.

Sirius, stole one of Remus's many many over-sized jumpers, and blue jeans. he also got a book to go with the whole thing.

now that i was finished getting my costume ready with the girls, im walking through the corridors to the common room. as soon as i get there and see the sight in front of me, i stop.

james potter is asleep.....on the couch......with a book.

which only means one thing.


Creeping closer, i see thats he's reading my favorite book ever. wuthering heights. smiling i lay down next to him on the couch, and he unconsciously wrapped his arms around my waist. 

feeling extremely comfortable, i fall asleep 

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