Chapter 10: The Three Letter Word

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Because Elliette has been bugging me soo much, and I haven't updated in 3 days, I finally came up with an idea for this chapter. At first lily was going to just pass out due to blood loss, but then I wanted to make it more interesting, and decided this was how it was going to be. I only have a few readers, but I'm grateful for my little army of dirty little dooders. Enjoy!

This is 1829 words long! I think it may be the longest I have ever written!

James' POV 

Ugh. I didn't want to wake up. I was having a nice dreamless sleep. The best sleep I've had in ages. But now that I was awake, I noticed that I was in a chair, my neck and back were sore, and I was leaning forward and was resting my head on my arms.

Finally opening my eyes, I noticed I was in a very white room with multiple white sheeted beds. Of course, since I didn't have my glasses on, everything was blurry. I looked at the bed I was resting against, and saw a pale form but with vibrant red hair. 

Putting on my glasses and fully waking up, I recall the events of the day before, I look at lily. She was in a coma, because of what Paige did. She had been in a coma for three weeks now. And everyday I would go to class, take notes for her, complete extra homework for her. And f I wasn't in class, I was in here. Remus or Sirius would bring me food, and Peter would bring me fresh cloths. Then I would sleep in here. Then woke up and started the cycle all over. After drinking the pumpkin juice Remus brought me yesterday, I remember  what madame Pomfrey and professor McGonagall told me yesterday.


" Mr Potter, I am afraid we have some both good and bad news. Which would you like to hear first." Minerva said softly with sympathy in her eyes. I didn't want her sympathy. Sympathy wasn't going to awake the love of my life. I was sitting at the side of Lily's bed, holding her hand and praying that she will wake up.

"The bad." I mumbled. 

"Well, after we brought Miss Gaunt to the headmasters office, we decided to check her wand to see what the last spell she cast was, due to Miss Evans' condition. I'm sorry mr Potter, but it seems that the last spell Miss Gaunt preformed was the killing curse. She must have done it silently before professor Slughorn and Sprout restrained her." Minerva said softly.

No this can't be. If she had been hit with the unforgivable curse, she should be dead.  Stop thinking that, you should be grateful she's alive. 

"Now, the good news Potter! Is something we don't teach here in Hogwarts, is that if the killing curse doesn't hit you square in the chest, then it doesn't kill you straight away. Speaking with experience, someone you love who has died will come to you and explain your options. My options were either die and live with my dead loved ones, or come back down to earth and live my life. I decided to continue life here. So now the choice is up to miss Evans." She said, placing a hand on his shoulder before leaving the infirmary.

I had some hope. Lily could choose wether she came back or not. oh Merlin, please let her want to come back to me.

Flashback over


Lily's POV 

Suddenly I'm in a very white, very clean kings cross station. Standing In front of me was my grandma and grandpa, and two little boys, who I didn't know. The taller boy looked as though he was about 8. He had auburn hair and emerald eyes. "Hey sis" he said. At first I was shocked. Why did this boy, who I didn't know, call me sis. I didn't have a brother. Well, I almost did, but he died not long after birth....

" Eddie?" I asked. Could this be my brother? My brother that died at birth 8 years ago, whom my mother named Edward Joseph Evans?

He smiled. I rushed forward and hugged him. When I was nine, I was really looking forward to having a little brother, to watch him grow up and help him with his homework and potentially give him advice about girls, but I never got the chance.

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