Chapter 5:

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Lily's POV 

It's Wednesday  , and Marlene  and I are walking into the castle post care of magical creatures, with the marauders walking behind us.

"Why are you smirking?" I asked Marlene. " you are going to be alone with James freakin Potter for at least 4 hours" she whispered loudly.

 Behind us, Sirius started laughing so hard that when we got to James and my common room, his face was about as red as my hair.

James and I get our things and start heading towards the defense against the dark arts classroom.

When we entered the classroom, the teacher stood and said "Today, instead of doing lines, you are going to the Great Lake, feed the giant squid, and clean the lake. Oh and be careful, there might be some quicksand this time of year. I will be in the great hall if you need me" then turned around and left.

James and I went back to our common room to change into shorts and T-shirt's. When we entered, Marlene asked us what we were doing back already. 

" He wants us to feed the giant squid and clean the lake" I said, frowning

"Blimey!" Remus said, " we'll have fun!" He said cheerfully.

When we got back from changing, and get down to the lake, there was a bucket of dead mini squid, and giant trash bags, and a picker upper thingie. 

We took our shoes of and waded into the water. I started giggling like crazy.

James started laughing when he said, "What's so funny, Evans?"

"The so cold" I said laughing  hysterically now. We both had to struggle for breath. 

" Why don't we talk about something, the silence is freaking me out," said James.

" alright I'll start first. Favorite color?" " red and green"

" How about you. What's your favorite color?" He asks.

"Burgundy and black" I reply

"Favorite class?" I ask

"Defense against the dark arts. Favorite animal?" He asks

I thought about this for quite a while. Then I have made a decision. "Stag," I whisper quietly. Then we don't talk for a while.


James POV 

We go on like this for about an hour when I finally say.

"Lily, I just wanted to say thank you for giving me a second chance and being my friend. Hey, do you think somethings up with Marlene and Sirius." We were way farther out now then we were when we first started.

 I turned around when lily didn't answer, but she was no where to be found. "Lily? LILY!!" I shouted.

 I started rushing towards where I last saw her, but she wasn't there. I ducked under the water to see where she had gone. A few yards away, I see a small blob of red slowly sinking down. Swimming towards that red blob as fast as I can go, I finally catch up with her. 

Her eyes were closed and it didn't look as though she wasn't  breathing. Grabbing her by her arm and swimming towards the surface, and struggling to not inhale water, I get her up to shore and lay her down on the sand.

I bend my head down so that my ear is near her mouth, but I don't hear her breathing.

"C'mon lily c'mon" I chant as I give her C.P.R and mouth to mouth. After about the 6th time my mouth connects with hers, she finally gasps a large thing of air and starts coughing up water. 

I help her into a sitting position and pat her back, to help her get all the water out of her lungs. When she was finally breathing normally, I asked. "What happened Lily? What made you go under?"

" I can't......swim" she said, trying to catch her breath.

"Oh Lily, why didn't you tell me? I would have told the professor and ask for a different detention." I say. How could she be so reckless and not tell anyone that she couldn't swim.

"I'm sorry" she whispered. " oh love, don't apologize, it isn't your fault," I say as I pick her up bridal style to where my sweatshirt was. Her teeth had started chattering. I pulled my sweatshirt over her head and made sure her arms where through the right holes. It was a little big on her but at least she would be warm.

" th-thanks" she whispers. I grab my invisibility cloak from my bag, put it over us, and continue to carry her to our common room. When we get there, I give the portrait the password, and carry her to the couch, after taking the cloak off of us. I then notice that no one is here and am grateful.

I sit next to her on the couch and pull her onto my lap, and wrap my arms around her in an attempt to warm her up. She relaxes against me and we sit there for a while. " thanks" she says, after about an hour, then gets up to sit next to me. 

"James, I can't even begin to explain how grateful I am."

"It's okay Lils. You scared me there for a minute though. I was so afraid that I had lost you, that I would never get you back." I said turning toward her. "That I would never see you smile again. Or roll your eyes again. For a second I was mad, because here I thought that I was going to protect you from anything, including Voldemort until I died, and you almost died right there on my watch, without me noticing. Lily I am so  so  sor-"

She cuts me off and the next thing I know she's leaning towards me and locking her lips to mine. When I start to kiss back, she puts her hands in my hair as I grab her by her hips and move us until she is sitting on my lap.

We stay there for a while, just snogging. After a while, she positions herself, to where she is sitting across my lap with her head on my shoulder. Soon I rest my head on hers and we fall asleep like that.

My love: a Lily Evans and James Potter fanficWhere stories live. Discover now