Chapter 11: unwanted popularity

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It's the same day that lily woke up.  Lily gets to go back to class.

James POV 

I was telling lily about everything that happened in the two and a half weeks she's been in a coma. She wasn't exactly happy when I told her I've been sleeping here, but lightened up a bit when I told her that I've been taking extra notes and doing extra work so that she could catch up easily when she woke up.

It has been about 6 hours since lily woke up.  Right now it was around noon on Saturday, so I didn't have classes. After I finished telling lily about the past 2 and a half weeks, Madam Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall came in.

"Ah miss Evans, your awake. You will need to rest for a while, but you are welcome to leave come dinner time but you will have to check in everyday so I can check your cuts. Minerva here says you can leave during her class to come here. Now since you and me Potter share a dormitory, he is going to help you change the bandages and put the healing cream in them. You won't be able to do anything rash, like dancing, etc." She said.

"Now, if you weren't such a good student, I would tell you not to slough during class, because it will stretch the wounds of your stomach and back, but Minerva tell me that you sit up straight, so now all you have to do is rest. Remember you are free to go at dinner time." She finished. 

She turned to leave, but McGonagall stayed. "Miss Evans, I am sorry for the ordeal you have been through. But, under the circumstances, you may have to stay after classes to catch up. That is, unless, someone helps you with your work and explains everything to you." She said, giving James a pointed look. 

 "Also, as of now, you have top marks in all of your classes, so I ask you to make sure they stay that way. Good luck miss Evans." She said, turning to leave.


It was almost time for dinner, but lily asked madam Pomfrey to help her change out of the bloody blouse and dirty skirt she was wearing. After Pomfrey closed the curtain around Lily's bed, I looked around the hospital wing. 

On the bed next to Lily's, there were get well cards and balloons, chocolate frogs and such. When ever someone came in to set something down for lily, I told them to put it on the  bed next to hers so she 'had room to breath."

 I knew without  a doubt, she would give Remus the bars of Honeydukes chocolate. Remus had a weird fascination with chocolate. Sometimes Sirius even joked and asked him when the wedding was, which would make Remus blush, as usual.

After she was done changing, Lily  opened the curtains surrounding her bed. She was wearing a simple pair of black ripped skinny jeans, and my Gryffindor jumper. 

As we walked to the great hall, she grabbed my hand. I could tell she was worried bout coming back after two weeks. I also knew that she wouldn't want anyone sympathy, or pity.

The marauders and Lily's friends were the only ones that knew lily was coming back today, but apparently they told some people, who told some people. 

As soon as we approached the entry to the great hall, there was a group of about 20 Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students with notebooks and quills. At once they started asking a bunch of questions and getting in her face. 

"Lily! Is it true you were hit with the killing curse?-"

"Do you consider yourself the winner of that duel?"

"Can I get your autograph."

"Will you go out with me?" Some random boy asked. Which, of course, made me mad.

With there being so many of them, I Couldn't push them all away. After 15 seconds, Marlene, Alice, Remus, Peter, and Sirius were beside lily and I, pushing and shoving people back.

"You keep bugging her, I'm going to break all of your arms, Capeesh?" I said. Sirius growled for good measure.

 When they reluctantly left, the other Marauders, Lily's friends, and I escorted her to the Gryffindor table. People started walking up, but my group would give them the death stare and they turned around and left.

Lily's POV 

After the annoying people left, I looked down at the food, and realized that I was starving. I doubt I ate while I was in a coma, so I was looking forward to Shepard's pie. 

After eating, James, Marlene, Alice, Remus, Peter, Sirius, and I went to the common room. I got really tired and was starting to get light headed, so James had to carry me. " hippogriff" James said, and the portrait hole opened. 

"I'm surprised it's nothing dusty, what with James sleeping in the infirmary, and me not being here." I said, looking around at the spotless common room. 

"Remus and I came in here and kept cleaned it up. Especially since Sirius and Marlene were taking advantage of you not being here to fuss at them about the mess." Alice said with a smile

I smiled at her as a thank you. Then I saw that all of my treats, and get well gifts were sitting on the couch. 

I motioned for jame sot let me down, and said, " Remus, you can have all the chocolate, and Alice you can have anything else you want." I said.

"Hey what about us!" Sirius and Marlene said in unison. 

I was about to say they don't get anything, since they didn't help clean the common room, but then remembered they helped make sure James didn't become a complete wreck. I couldn't figure out what to give them, then saw the balloons. 

"You can have the helium in the balloons" I said, knowing they would enjoy using it to make their voices high pitch. I immediately saw their eyes light up with excitement. 

Chuckling at their weirdness, I go and cuddle with James of the couch. Suddenly I remember we were supposed to have gone on a date on the day of the duel.

I look up at James. "We never got to go to Hogsmaede," I said, slight disappointment in my voice.

"Don't worry love, all the teachers agreed to reschedule it to next weekend, which is good, because you have a whole week to feel better. And if you still don't feel well, we can do something here." He said, kissing the top of my head. 

We sat there for a while, even after the rest of our friends slowly left. Eventually we fell asleep, right there on the couch, with my head resting against his head.

My love: a Lily Evans and James Potter fanficWhere stories live. Discover now