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Thoughts of You, Run Through My Head

From the Point of View of Benjamin Simmons 

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From the Point of View of Benjamin Simmons 

I smiled and I glanced slightly at LaJarvis. My heart began to race as Shake walked near us. He looked at me with a confused look and then he turned his attention to LaJarvis (LJ). This could go two ways, terribly wrong or pretty well. It depended on how Shake responded to the news I was about to break to him. LaJarvis gave me a puzzled look, he seemed to want an explanation to the awkwardness that was occurring between the three of us...right then and there, I decided to give him his answer. 

"LaJarvis, this is my teammate and best friend, Shake!" I exclaimed as I introduced Shake to him. 

"Nice to meet you, I'm LaJarvis, Ben and I go way back, we were college roommates at LSU." he smiled as he extended his hand to Shake. 

"Pleased to meet you..." he responded as he shook his hand. 

"Don't you have something to tell me?" Shake asked ignoring LaJarvis' presence.  

"Um... I'll give you two some privacy, I'll be on the other side of the roof." LJ whispered as he turned and walked away. 

"Thanks, LaJarvis." I smiled slightly. 

I turned my attention back to Shake, I grabbed both of his hands and I stared into his eyes. I slightly caressed his face and I brought him in for a hug. 

"I love you so much Shake." I lamented. 

"Ben...I love you too, what's wrong?" he quizzed. 

"I...I love you and I want you to be ok, I just think it will be better for both of us to end our sexual relationship and just focus on building a friendship. I've been doing a lot of soul searching and I just don't want anything like our relationship to jeopardize our careers. I feel like we were getting a little too complicated and I don't wanna get in too deep to where it spills over to our performance on the court, because if that happens, then people will definitely start to notice something isn't right between us." I whispered as I held my hand on Shake's face and stared into his eyes. 

Shake held my hand he turned and stared at the Mississippi River in the distance, a tear streamed down his face. I whipped the tear from his eye, but in return, tears started to fall down from my face as well. 

"I apologize Shake." 

"No...Don't...This is the best decision for both of us. Too many people on the team already know about us, and I totally understand how you feel, our relationship is not feasible for the long term." Shake sniffled. 

"Shake, I don't want you to think this is the end of us, because it isn't. I will always want you in my life, through anything. This is not the end as we know it, look at it as a new phase of our relationship." I consoled as I wiped a tear from Shakes's face.

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