Safe In My Cell

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(Narrator POV)
They all went back in after Thor had calmed down. Steve was still skeptical but he was willing to listen and maybe except what he saw.

The room turned into Loki's cell in Asgard before quickly turning into the astral plane they were all used to by now. The clouds were tinted yellow while the sky was more pale blue.

Loki was in his other green leather outfit and his hands were clasped behind his back as he stared at Lady Death.

"So, it worked." She sing-songed to him which made a small, smug smile break out before he went blank again. He was rather good at hiding his emotions sometimes.

"Yes, indeed it has." He paused a moment to study her before continuing. "I can feel the Aether here. In the palace."

"Jane." Thor whispered from one side of Tony. He had told the other three the story, but they assumed this wasn't part of what Thor knew.

"Yes, it is here. In that girl Thor loves so much." Lady Death said calmly and Loki sighed heavily.

"I'm sure I've made a lasting impression." He chuckled, but looked down for a second before glancing back up to Death.

"Thor has not come to speak to you yet?" He shook his head in response. "Frigga?" He nodded slowly.

"Yes, she visited, if you can call an illusion a visit." Loki couldn't quite cover all the bitterness in his tone.

He shook his head as if he were trying to get rid of those thoughts. Then a smile broke out on his face and Tony found his breath hitching at how oddly beautiful the look was.

"I found a way to prove everything." His face was still completely void of emotion, but their was a glimmer in his eyes similar to when Tony finally figured out a problem.

"Did you, now? Why am I not surprised?" Death sounded amused, but also impressed. She summoned a chair and sat with her legs crossed.

"Because I am smarter than most assume." He winked at her with a cheeky grin before his smile went excited. "It's a puzzle."

"Explain." She didn't sound angry, only a little confused. Which made sense because who would really think of a puzzle as proof? Loki apparently.

"I'll give it to Thor at some point, but he'll never figure it out. One day someone will find it and they'll see what really happened." He bounced on his heels a bit, like he couldn't wait for someone to solve it.

"How will they see that?" Lady Death inquired and this time her voice gave off the idea that she may be a little skeptical.

"I'm putting my memories of these conversations in it, along with certain other memories. As we go on, it will all automatically go there. Only certain people will be able to open it though." His grin turned into the wicked smirk of a mad scientist.

"What's the puzzle?" The embodiment of death sounded amused again. If she had visible eyes, they would be dancing with a similar mirth. Suddenly, it made sense to the observers why these two got along so well.

"It makes you tell a truthful secret to unlock it, which nobody would expect from me." The God made a gesture at his whole body as if to prove a point.

"How are you going to make it in this cell without drawing suspicion." Death made a valid point there. Even if he was powerful enough to bypass the wards, it would still draw attention.

"I already have it made, it's just a matter of collecting it and starting the mind meld process so the memories I want will go there on their own." Apparently Loki was better at planning than any of them knew.

"Why do you have it made already?" It didn't sound accusatory, just like a very valid question. Really, what would Loki need an empty memory puzzle box for?

"I made hundreds of them in order to tell people things in secret. It's a way of communication that can be targeted to only one person. It's one of the most useful artifacts I've ever made." Loki said nonchalantly.

"You make a lot of artifacts?" The amusement was back in her tone full force. A bit of glee slipped in there as well. Almost as if she was once again relishing in her decision to choose him as the one to do this job.

"Many. Weapons and armor as well. If you need something done, it's best to do it yourself." He waved a hand like it was no big deal, but all of the people watching (especially Tony) really wanted to see his work now.

Thor always had his weapons and armor made for him and it would be intriguing to see the different approach.

"Is that why you used to tell the servants you were given that they could just have free time?" Another shocking tidbit that made three of the Avengers glance to Thor to make sure that was true. It was if his subtle nod was any indication.

"Partly. I can clean my own room with my magic and I am perfectly capable of making my own personal meals. I do not need someone to coddle me like they do Thor." Again, the bitterness slid into his tone before he carefully gained control again.

"Coddle him, do they?" Lady Death waved a bone-hand with a cackle. Loki just sighed in return.

"He thinks everything can be solved with the swing of a hammer or the punch of a fist. He doesn't see a delicate approach to anything, so him cleaning his own room would be a disaster." Now he just sounded a little tired.

"I find that more amusing than you appear to." Death commented after she stopped laughing and took a moment to study his slightly tense shoulders.

"It is amusing, but after a thousand years it also becomes exhausting." Was his response with a shrug and an eye roll.

"I suppose that makes sense. Now, back to this puzzle, who can open it?" Her tone was a tad more serious now.

"Anyone with the blood of Thor, Anthony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, or Clint Barton. The blood has to be in the veins of the person speaking, there is no tricking the puzzle." Loki said it with no emotion at all, like he was simply stating a fact.

All of the Avengers glanced at each other in mild shock. He only made it for them to be able to open? This was quickly turning into some kind of apology they never expected to get.

"So, it would work for their children also?" Death once again appeared to be proud and a little in awe of the trickster she chose for this mission.

"Yes." A small smile graced his lips before it quickly vanished into a calm facade.

"I like it. I'm once again shockingly proud." A moment of silence followed as she stood to be eye level with him and gave him a sincere nod. More praise than Odin ever gave.

"Thank you. We need to discuss the plan. I need to get out of this cell, but still be safe from Thanos and I know how to do it." His lips twitched briefly in what would have been a proud grin.

Death made a questioning sound, so he carried on with his plan. "I'm going to find a way out and then I'm going to do something absolutely insane." There was a little laugh playing at the end of his sentence like he couldn't quite believe his own idea.

"What's that?" There was a smidge if worry in her tone. It made all of them think that perhaps she had the theory that she was way out of her own depth with this God.

"I'm going to fake my own death."

A/N Can you feel that? The action scenes are approaching.

Also, it is very annoying that Natasha's last name can be spelled two ways. Romanoff and Romanov. I chose Romanoff because I like how it looks, but it could technically be wrong. Another reason I chose that one was because that was what her hashtag said and when I googled it that was the first answer.

Anyways, enjoy and keep reading! Thank you!

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