Inpending Doom

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(Narrator POV)
The scene shifted again and this time the clouds were golden and the sky was navy blue. It matched Loki's armor perfectly. All of the Avengers were too shocked from the new things they'd learned to even comment on it. Even Tony was speechless.

Lady Death showed up a moment later and took a deep breath. "Are you sure?" It was a soft question, the softest her voice had ever gotten.

"I will do what it takes in order to beat Thanos." Loki said with strength in his tone. His hands were clasped behind his back, his face blank, and his shoulders squared.

"You are brave. That is one of the reasons I chose you." Death sounded proud, but she was still quiet.

Thor was tearing up now. "He was brave." Steve took that moment to give him a hug and tried his best to comfort the thunderer.

"I want to see Thanos bleeding out beneath me. If that makes me brave, so be it." Loki said boldly after a sigh. "I got everything from Asgard, by the way. The puzzle stone is ready to be given to Thor. I am as ready as I'll ever be."

"Why did you decide to use that stone?" Death asked after a few moments of slightly depressing silence.

There was another pause where Loki seemed to be mulling over her question. He eventually answered with a little bit of hesitance.

"I think I just wanted someone to know that I'm more than a trickster, and a liar. I wanted people to see that my magic is a gift, not a curse. It was hard living in Thor and Odin's shadows, but now it has almost paid off because I am now thriving in the darkness on my own. I don't know, I think I just wanted at least one person to know the truth about me." His voice calm and sure.

"It's not vengeful? Do you not want people to know you can be a hero too?" Death sounded amused even though her questions were more accusations.

There was yet another short pause where Loki seemed to be thinking over her question. The group felt their throats tighten at the thought of him wanting to be a hero.

"It is a little vengeful. More because I want people to see that I'm more than Thor's little brother. All I've ever wanted was to be his equal, but I think I am now. Furthermore, I want someone to understand all I did and that being a hero doesn't always mean you take all the glory and bask in the light." He sighed slightly after he was finished.

"You're like Batman." Death joked with a laugh. None of the Avengers were sure how she knew anything about Midgardian pop culture.

"I resent that. I'm the Riddler. Even though he is technically a villain." Loki chuckled back. Wow, everybody knew about DC now apparently. Even alien deities.

"I think I chose the right person to end Thanos." Lady Death said after they stopped laughing.

"Thank you. For everything." Loki said sincerely and a small, but kind smile spread across his face.

A moment of silence passed while the Avengers just stared. It was weird seeing Loki with someone who he clearly saw as a friend.

"This is not a goodbye." Death said fervently with conviction. Her words left no room for argument.

"I know, have faith in me." The God answered with a calm grin. His words held a certain level of insecurity, however. He wanted to make sure she actually believed in him, unlike Odin.

"I do. Have you spoken to Thor yet?" She answered before changing the subject.

A gasp was heard from the thunder god and all the avengers looked to him with questioning gazes. "He visited me when I was in the cell on Sakaar and he mentioned how he would have to 'go at it alone, like always'. He was talking about all of this." The Avengers looked surprised, but didn't speak because Loki responded to Death.

"No, but I'm going to soon. I hope he can forgive me for doing this. All of this." Another heavy sigh escaped Loki's lungs.

"You will be the end of the war. He will forgive you for anything you do in the process." There was something in her voice that made Loki study her for a moment before he took his turn to reply.

"There's something you are not telling me." It wasn't even a question. He clearly knew and she knew not to lie to him. She had seen his soul, and he was the God of Lies, lying couldn't be a part of their friendship.

"Thanos is going to win the battle. He will snap most of them out of existence. After he does that, you have a 5 year time limit to finish up our part of the plan. Then the mortals will have to do some of the legwork. There will be a real war and you will win it." Her voice held no doubt.

Loki took a moment to stare at her in clear worry. He didn't want it this way, but he didn't have a choice. Meanwhile, the Avengers were all looking at each other in a mix of awe and alarm.

"Will I save everyone?" Loki's tone was calm even though he was worried.

Death took a pause and everyone held their breath. Either Loki would show up and save everyone or they would at very least end up losing more people. But what if him coming to save the day, didn't actually save the day?

Tony believed that Loki could do it, if he really was going to come back. He would bet just about anything that Loki and Thor could be an unstoppable force when they wanted to be.

Steve was a little more hesitant to put his faith in Loki, but honestly, what other option was there? If Loki really was more powerful than he ever let on, then maybe they had a chance.

Natasha thought that Loki had a lot of cunning determination. He was smart and if he could pull off coming back from the dead, then maybe he could pull off killing Thanos.

Thor wanted to believe, but he knew how hard it was to come back after death. Nearly impossible. He really wanted to have faith in his brother, but he wasn't about to hold his breath and expect him to come back.

But then Death answered Loki's question. Will I save everyone?


A/N I'm just gonna warn you, he dies next chapter but it's temporary because he is the love of my life and I can't handle him being gone. <3

Also, he actually does mention going at it alone like always in Thor Ragnarok when he visits Thor in the cell so I decided to use it for a plot deepen. Hope you liked it.


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