I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight

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(Narrator POV)
The scene dissolved and the next one appeared after some flashing of lights and a screeching sound.

The astral plane now appeared with a black sky with gold and silver stars and neon green clouds. Loki stood with some more green armor and Lady Death bowed her head to him the moment she appeared.

"My King." The greeting sounded heavily amused and a satisfied smirk spread across Loki's face like the cat who got the cream.

"I see you've heard the news." He commented as he summoned a table for them to relax at. They both took a seat and she sighed with a happy aura.

"I am so pleased. Not only did you get out of the cell, trick Thor, avenge Frigga, and fake your own death, you also went and got yourself the throne of Asgard." Glee was the first emotion they could hear in her voice.

"Yes, well, the Odinsleep was just so convenient! I couldn't help myself. Besides, now that I have Odin's spear, Gungnir, and access to Heimdall, I will be the first to know if Thanos approaches." There was a light of pure mischief shining in his eyes.

Death couldn't help but cackle. "Well, this worked out wonderfully." She sobered a bit. "Remember, your job is not done yet."

Loki sighed. "I know, I will be prepared to make the next phase of the plan when more of the cards are laid out."

"Good." She still sounded pleased beyond belief and all of them got the sense that she really was basking in her decision to make him her chosen.

Loki sighed again and crossed his arms over the table. He wasn't pouting, but his eyes were wandering around the cream colored tablecloth.

"Something is troubling you. What is it?" Her caring tone struck them all once again. It was almost like she had a genuine motherly love for him.

"I just feel like I've betrayed Thor." Loki groaned as he rubbed his face with clear exasperation.

"Ah." She didn't seem surprised, but she also wasn't judging him. After all, she had seen his soul and he she understood that he would always love his brother.

"He gave me that tiny bit of trust to help with Jane and the Dark Elves and a part of me wishes I could have told him the truth." Another sigh, and his arms fell back into the crossed position on the table.

"But you know you can't." It was a stated fact instead of a question. She knew that he wouldn't go against the plan because he was too smart to do such a thing.

"Thanos needs to believe that I am dead, which means that everyone must believe I'm dead, including Thor. These plans take delicate precision which Thor does not have. My specialty is to work in the shadows, and that is exactly what kind of job this is. He can only work in the light." Giving a reason to his betrayal seemed to make him feel a little better.

"Soon he will know you're alive and he will put aside his anger because you need to fight a war together. Before you ask, no, I won't tell you which war. You'll know soon enough. In the meantime, enjoy being king." Lady Death appeared to be trying to take his mind off of his troubles now instead of dwelling on them.

There was nothing he could do about those issues now, so he might as well enjoy the present.

"Oh, I am. I never truly wanted the crown, but now that I have it, I do find it most amusing. Although I will get bored soon enough." A small smile played on Loki's lips.

"I have no doubt." Death couldn't hold back her amused laugh. "Do you have any plans for Asgard?" She inquired next.

"I'm trying to make it as enjoyable as possible because I don't know how many of these people will make it out alive." He didn't seem overly bothered, but then again after everything Asgard did to him, who could blame him for not being heartbroken on their behalf.

"That's very kind, but I sense there's more." Her tone was knowing and she glanced in his direction as his smile turned into a smirk.

"Mmm, yes. I still carry resentment toward them and when they find out that it has been me all this time instead of their precious Odin, I want something to rub their faces in my trickery." Glee and mirth danced in his eyes like a poison green wild fire.

"I assume you have something in mind?" Her voice held a quiet laugh and boundless amusement. He just propped his elbows on the table, clasped his hands together, and rested his chin on them with a devious grin.

"How do you think I would look as a golden statue?" Loki's voice was positively delighted. Stark couldn't help, but think about the time he said that Loki wanted flowers, parades, and a monument in the sky with his name on it.

Apparently, the genius hadn't been far off, but his reasoning had been flawed. Loki didn't want that because of ego, but just to spite people who deserved it.

The last thing they heard before the world started to fade and change scenes was a manic cackle from Lady Death followed by a comment full of joy. She was proud and they could hear the grin in her tone as well as they could in Loki's.

"Absolutely marvelous, darling."

A/N The title of this chapter is quoting a song btw. <3

Also, I know that Loki didn't really seem to feel all that guilty for lying to Thor in the movie, but I'm trying to make him a bit more of a hero in this story.

Plus, I've always believed that he is nicer than he lets on and he just doesn't want to be insulted by Thor or Thor's friends so he pretends to be colder.


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