Time Stone

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(Narrator POV)
It had been almost three months since the last puzzle entry and everyone was getting a little worried that something may have gone wrong.

Tony was working on the machine after Steve brought him the needed part, and he was making slow progress. He was also building even more armor as of late. Ever since Pepper and him broke up, he'd been trying to build up his supply again.

Speaking of Pepper, she had contacted them and informed that she was alright  and hunkering down with Happy and a few other people from Stark Industries around what was left of Malibu.

Steve was on Puzzle Watching duty recently because he hadn't been able to find any leads to someone who could help them. The beard was going nicely though and it's all about the small victories.

Thor had some things to do in New Asgard. Mainly trying to convince some of the more uptight citizens that Loki wasn't a bad guy and had never been their enemy.

Meanwhile, Natasha had hunted down Clint a couple times, but lost him the last second and she had one lead on Bruce that kept taking her different places.

Everyone was starting to look forward to the next puzzle piece more and more because it would be a nice break from their otherwise frustrating lives.

Of course, they were also a little worried because as far as they knew Loki had never taken this long to add to the puzzle. He had been rather efficient so far and the difference in time was causing them some small panic.

All four of them were in the house currently though. Tony was up making armor and tweaking his machine, Thor needed a break from Asgardians so he was asleep in an armchair (Tony wasn't sure why since the brute had a room of his own here), Natasha had gotten stabbed on her last trip so she was resting in her room, and Steve was barely keeping his eyes open while he sat on the couch watching the puzzle.

It wasn't until well into midnight, that they all heard Steve holler that "We've got green! We have got the green!" While struggling to stand and almost knocking over a vase of flowers.

Sleep deprivation was an odd sight on Steve.

It only took a couple minutes this time to have everyone surrounding the puzzle and going into the new memory with some amount of excitement.

They were slightly surprised to see New York (Old Kroy, in this universe) except it was completely flooded.

The silver buildings were surrounded by swampy green water and instead of roads and sidewalks, there were just docks up against the buildings with some bridges here and there.

Windows were broken on the buildings to give access since the doors were under water.

They saw Loki next and he was wearing all black armor with green lining the edges and hints of silver metal throughout. He was also crawling up through a seemingly random window and then brushing glass off of his clothes.

The inside of building was actually very clean and the stairs that Loki started to climb weren't falling apart like they expected.

Next thing they knew, Loki was walking down a long hallway and stopping at a door that had symbols instead of numbers marking it. A snowflake, an eye, and then a wrench.

He lifted his fist to knock, but the door swung open before he got a chance. A woman stood there in black jeans under black thigh high heels with a dark green sweater on above that. She had an emerald necklace on, many green and silver earrings, her nails were long and painted black, and her makeup was black and green in color.

Her hair was long, wavy, and pitch black with green streaks. It was flipped with one side covered in braids. She had pale skin, sharp cheekbones, and striking green eyes. Her resemblance to Loki was startling.

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