Power Stone

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(Narrator POV)
When they left the last memory, Steve immediately went to check every storage facility that Tony was able to find using databases while Natasha set out to try and find the two missing members.

Tony and Thor had both gone to Central Park and started looking at all 7 ornamental fountains there were to try and find which one Loki had stashed the part under.

It was hard because they didn't actually know what they were looking for, but they had brought multiple scanners and were looking at all the fountains.

"You don't think he put it under one of the 125 drinking fountains, do you?" Tony had asked after their third fountain.

Thor had paused in his scanning and looked alarmed at Tony. "By the Norns, I hope not!"

Eventually, they did find it. It was rather large red disk with some dark grey mechanisms attached. Tony had been experimenting on it before they even made it back to the house.

Now, Thor was once again trying to work as King while also keeping an eye on the puzzle, Natasha and Steve were following the leads Loki gave them, and Tony worked almost non-stop.

The year mark came and went and the only thing that changed on that day was that Tony drank way more than he should have and Steve didn't go out into town that day.

Tony was still mourning Peter, but he knew that there was a shot at getting him back if Loki succeeded in his mission so he tried not to think about it too much.

Pepper and Happy did visit and they allowed Tony to make them armor. They were also clearly crushing on one another which surprisingly didn't bother Tony. He even gave Happy his blessing to go for it since he knew the man was only waiting because of worry for Tony.

Those two also watched the entire puzzle and agreed that Loki did seem innocent, but they warned Tony to remain weary until they were all certain.

Another wonderful thing happened as more months passed since the last entry. Tony was finally able to get in touch with Harley again. They had stayed in touch over the years, mainly in the form of occasional check-ins, but Harley hadn't been answering ever since the snap.

Turned out that his mom and sister both disappeared and then he had gotten in a bit of trouble, ended up leaving and stopped answering calls.

He apologized profusely when he finally answered and agreed to come visit soon. Which he did a few weeks later, and helped Tony make him some armor as well. Just in case.

Harley also insisted on watching the puzzle because he had watched the invasion on the news and he wanted to understand. After watching it, he admitted that he always kind of liked Loki because he had read some of the witty comments Loki had made that were put in reports. Reports that he totally hadn't been allowed to read, but Tony didn't lecture him on that because it'd be a bit hypocritical.

When he left, he made an agreement to visit every now and then and to stay in touch better in the future. He was like a son to Tony so that made him very happy.

Natasha had also been able to find Clint and was having occasional meetings with him where she just talked to him like always and then slowly started trying to convince him to come back with her. No dice so far.

She had also had luck with Bruce and had some idea about where he was now. It seemed that he was headed back to America and had been spending time in a few other countries throughout the year.

Scott still hadn't shown up from this 'vortex', but Steve had a solid list of storage units where he would continue to check-in.

Months and months passed until the two year anniversary was creeping up on them and everyone was worried that there just wouldn't be another update.

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