Reality Stone

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(Narrator POV)
Thor had been talking to the puzzle daily now, mostly apologizing for random things that he happened to think about each day.

The God had tried not to leave the stone for even a second, but eventually he did fall asleep and Tony took his turn to watch the puzzle.

Natasha was closing in on Clint while Steve worked with some remaining ex-SHIELD agents to find more information on Thanos.

Tony had finished the two armor suits they had seen in the memory from almost six months ago and had been working on others as well as the machine.

Pepper was supposed to be visiting with Happy soon and that probably meant that he'd try to make armor for them too, just in case.

It had been quite awhile since the last entry, but nobody was as worried because time was different in these places that Loki was going so it probably wasn't as long for him.

The one year anniversary of The Snap was approaching and people were understandably nervous for the event. A small festival was planned to honor those who didn't make it, but most people were weary because a big parade would just remind them of how few people were actually left.

"Hey, Lokes. I figured that I should talk to you and give you a break from your brother for a bit. I finished both of the armor suits and you can definitely have the green one after all this." Tony said with a small grin while working on a part for the machine.

"I hope you're okay. I know that some of these will take longer, but it is a little worrying." There was more kindness in his tone than he was used to and it made him shake his head and turn back to work.

It wasn't until the next morning, right after Steve and Natasha both got back that the message popped up and they all got ready to watch again.

The first thing they saw was Loki sitting in his ship with some blood on his eyebrow and a bruise around his jaw.

"So, I am adding this in after I got the most recent stone, but I had to take a little detour and ended up in an argument with some creatures, hence the less-than perfect appearance." Loki told them with his British-sounding accent and a gesture toward his wounded face. "I also had to practice a bit with the Stones I already have because they are harder to control now that I have added more."

"First, I want to say that I forgive you for some of the things you apologized for Thor, but not all of them so we can discuss that later. Secondly, thank you Stark and I apologize for the long delay. I have a feeling it will be quite awhile before the next entry because I have to get the Power Stone next and the time is very weird where I'm going." This time Loki gestured to the purple galaxy they could vaguely see. "Also, I have to practice more which is slightly inconvenient considering I haven't had to practice magic in centuries."

"Now, you may be wondering why I don't simply use the Stones I have in order to get the remaining Stones. Well, again, practice. They are very difficult to control and if I am not careful, they could potentially kill me if for some reason they choose to no longer help. If I abuse the power, they are likely to try and take it away from me. Besides, using them too much will draw Thanos' attention or other dangerous beings will be called." Loki told them and took a deep breath before continuing.

"Lastly, Ms. Romanoff asked why I picked the realities I have chosen so far. Mainly, I try to find one that is similar to ones I am already familiar with. I generally avoid any realms where Thor, Odin, Frigga, Thanos, Stark, or I have the Stone that I am trying to retrieve because those are people I do not want to battle for an Infinity Stone." Loki said with a small nod as he gently steered around some debris.

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