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(Narrator POV)
Over the next few months, Loki left them mini updates instead of one large one. That made the waiting much easier for the Avengers.

There wasn't much else they could all do anymore and the more frequent entries helped them keep sane while waiting for Loki to be finished with his last quest.

The first one showed up only a few days after the last update and all of them watched as the memory formed to show Loki sitting in the cockpit of his ship in all black armor with a hood.

"Hello, Avengers. Banner, greetings to you specifically because I was unaware of you watching last time." Loki opened with while steering through a mostly blue galaxy.

"I have decided not to show you too much of the replacing process because quite honestly, it is rather boring. All I am doing is going back to the realities I took Stones from and making a new one for each. I am simply going to give you updates each time I finish one." He stated as he seemed to navigate around something in space.

"This time I went back to the silver Asgard known as Asgardina. I made a new Space Stone, but I also saw that universe's Thor and Hela who are co-rulers of Asgardina. I saw a tapestry of that Loki who, as I mentioned before, was King until Thor and Hela killed him. Apparently, he had brown hair and he wore a lot of grey. Thor had black hair and wore a lot of blue while Hela wore all green and had silver markings." The God took a sip of what looked a bit like wine and then continued.

"I also got to encounter the woman who was that Loki's daughter. Very powerful. Her name was Angelica and she had silver hair and neon blue eyes. Apparently she is planning to overthrow Hela and Thor because the throne is rightfully hers in this reality. All is very dramatic there." Loki looked to be contemplating something before he spoke once more. "So I suppose it is not all that different from golden Asgard."

"Anyways, you should expect another update in a few days. I am replacing the Mind Stone next, but I am unsure of where I am going to put it since that Nebula is gone." He shook his head after saying that and all the Avengers could assume that he still felt bad for Metal-Mohawk-Nebula.

"Farewell until then." Loki finished with a nod that was reminiscent of a bow.

The next update came in about a week and they all once again watched as the memory came in and showed Loki.

This time he was sitting at a table in black pants, black boots, and something that looked similar to a dark green tunic. He had his hand up and expelling magic onto his side.

"I got shot with a targeted missile gun  while replacing the Mind Stone. Not to worry though, I should be fine. First, I'd like to answer a question that Dr. Banner asked me while waiting for this update. The reason I did not replace the Stones when I took them is that I was not powerful enough because I was weakened each time, I did not have the Reality or Power Stones which means that I did not have the ability to make a new stone, and I did not know which realities I would be returning the stones to." Loki told them while clearly trying not to wince at a twinge of healing-pain.

"For example, I am only replacing the Space, Mind, and Reality Stones to the worlds because they are needed in those universes. I am not returning a new Power Stone because Katana cannot handle having one anymore, the Soul Stone is not needed where it came from, and the Time Stone would bring back Doctor Strategy which would lead to another World War for that universe." The God seemed to finish healing himself because he pulled back his magic and folded his arms on the table while gazing at what seemed to be a star-map.

"Yesterday I put the Mind Stone in a vault inside of Nebula and that Loki's tomb. Apparently, that world will need the Mind Stone because of a war, and Asgardina needed the Space Stone because Angelica is going to use it to defeat Thor and Hela. The Reality Stone is needed on Darkema by Jormungrandr because he is trying to take over that planet for the humans again, but he can't do all of the work as a snake." He continued calmly as he traced a constellation's pattern with his finger.

"Ms. Romanoff also asked a very good question. Can Thanos make Infinity Stones if you can? The answer is technically yes, but I am unsure if he had enough power before the Stones. If he can make Infinity Stones, I do not believe he knows how because he never practiced any form of magic. This kind of thing is generally the work of a mage." Loki answered and gave a gesture to himself while looking back up to them with a bland look that clearly said 'duh'.

"Now, that is all for now. There is only one more Stone to return and then I should be on route to your Midgard." He finished with a flourish of the hand.

This time it took until the 4 year anniversary, for the next puzzle update and Loki was in green and blue armor.

"I am on my way to you now. The Reality Stone has been given to Jormungrandr on Darkema and he is fairly close to freeing the mortals of that realm." Loki told them rather calmly, but he was speaking a little faster than normal and soon something hit the back of his ship and he lurched forward slightly in the pilot's seat.

The Avengers seemed excited about him being there soon and worried about what was chasing him (except Clint who didn't care and especially Thor and Tony who cared a lot).

"I am also being chased by very angered Dark Elves currently so I will have to lose them before going to Midgard. Wouldn't want to lead more enemies your way." He threw a wink in their direction as he spun his ship in a circle and caused one of the ships pursuing him to crash into a meteorite.

"This will have to be all for now, farewell." Loki said goodbye to them, but right before the memory faded he zoomed toward what looked like a giant fireball before hitting the brakes and then curving upwards quickly.

All the other ships crashed into it and burst into a fiery inferno of blue and silver flame.

"All is fair in love and war."

A/N I have mixed feelings about this chapter. I don't really like it, but it's mainly a filler so I'm not about to nitpick.

This chapter is named after a song called Alpha by Little Destroyer. I love this song and I'm probably making a whole Loki story based on it.

Hope you enjoy and keep reading.

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