Your Savior Is Here!

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(Narrator POV)
"Alright, Loki should be here sometime soon. This meeting is being held to make it crystal clear what conclusions we have all come to about him." Steve announced in his patriotic voice.

It was only about an hour after they had watched the last entry and they had decided a meeting was a good idea. Well, Steve thought a meeting was a good idea while everyone else decided to go along with it.

"I think he is innocent and we should at least give him some semblance of trust. After all, he is working with us instead of against us." Bruce answered honestly from his place standing by the window.

Bruce had thought certain parts of the invasion were odd and looking back they really should have realized that Loki probably wasn't of sound mind. He also thought that it was clear now that all Loki really wanted was a dead Thanos.

"Or he could be pretending and we end up even more screwed when he shows up and reveals that he's been working with Thanos this whole time. That'd be 12 Stones against us and our measly 6 won't do jack." Clint went off rather annoyed.

"My brother is innocent! I should have seen it from the beginning, he is not our enemy. You should watch your tongue, Eye of Hawk." Thor told the archer dangerously. Clint glared back at the God.

Thor had spent too long doubting his little brother and making excuses for his father and friends. His mother had been right when she told him that he would never understand Loki, but he didn't need to. All he had to do was try. Another fact his mother had pointed out many times.

"I think that we should at least give Loki a chance. I don't fully trust him, but, in my opinion, it's clear he wasn't behind the invasion." Tony cut in with his thoughts before Barton and Thor ended up battling to the death. "Also, we need another person on this team who can annoy Katniss over here, because that is hilarious." He added while gesturing to Clint.

Tony knew what being tortured did to you and he couldn't confidently say that Loki was a bad guy that wasn't worthy of trust. He knew a lot of things about Loki thanks to that puzzle box and he had to admit that the God had crawled into a soft spot of his heart.

"I've seen him fight during the invasion and in the memories. He easily beat Nebula, turned Gamora to ash, and so much more. The most impressive thing he did during the invasion was catch one of Clint's arrows. I believe there is a very slim chance he is not on our side because if he hadn't been, I think we would have lost." Natasha put in with a blank face.

She understood battles and fighting and from what Loki had displayed in both situations, she knew he wasn't against them. Natasha didn't give her trust up easily, but she was willing to give him a chance at winning it.

"I agree with Natasha." Steve informed the team before continuing at the look of outrage Clint sent him. "I don't think we should fully trust him yet though."

Steve did believe that Loki at least deserved a chance. Part of his thought process did involve Bucky because he had been mindcontrolled as well and he wouldn't want someone to label his best friend as a villain for the evil others forced him to do.

"If you're right about this, we let him in and then he can kill us like you said he could've done during the invasion! We should be more vigilant." Barton said with burning hatred in his eyes.

He was still upset about having that Bag of Cats in his head. Clint had been mindcontrolled by Loki and the God had gone through his head. Barton didn't appreciate that one bit and the resentment for those actions was still at the forefront of his mind.

"Keep in mind, if Loki is telling the truth then he was mindcontrolled as well and likely forced to make you one of his minions. He isn't responsible for filtering through your thoughts if he had someone forcing his hand." Bruce reasoned which got a few nods from the group and a huff from Clint.

"I still don't like it." The archer replied and crossed his arms from where he was sitting in one of the armchairs.

"You don't have to like it, and we understand your hesitance. Just give him a small chance and try not to be too blatantly rude." Steve compromised which gained him a subtle nod.

"Maybe he will let you give his bow collection a try. If you are delicate, of course." Thor said offhandedly. Clint's head immediately swiveled to face the God.

"He has a bow collection?!" Barton stage-whispered with a look of glee. So maybe there was an upside to having that lunatic around.

"Aye, he has many weapons of many kinds." Thor gave a nod and Clint looked forward again with a small look of excitement.

"Back on topic." Steve chuckled slightly while saying his words. He found it almost comical how the prospect of trying out new bows made Clint so excited. "I also think we should talk about what we are going to do with the year we have left."

"Loki will likely wish to train you in some ways. He seems to know Thanos almost as well as Nebula and Gamora did. He will want for us all to be more informed." Thor supplied for them.

"I could always make more armor and weapons with Bruce. Maybe Reindeer Games would help us out. Oh! We might even get to know how he does some of that clearly science-defying stuff." Tony offered and Bruce agreed with a hopeful tone.

"I admire his fighting strategies, so some sparring will be fun." Natasha added in and Clint and Steve gave nods of agreement to that.

Before anyone could make further comment, an odd noise hit their ears from the air outside. It sounded like it was coming from above.

The next thing the knew, the ground outside shook and parts of the house trembled with it. They all looked at one another in surprise before standing to rush outside.

When they opened the door they were all greeted with the sound of a familiar, but never in-person voice that shouted out words that made them all chuckle and Thor shake his head with disbelief.

"Your savior is here!"

A/N So, the next chapter is Loki getting to see everyone. I'm pretty excited. This one was kind of a filler, but also to make sure all of their thoughts were clear.

Enjoy and keep reading!

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