Space Stone

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(Narrator POV)
The group of Avengers decided after seeing the last memory to start working on ways to prepare for Thanos while they waited for news from Loki.

There had yet to be another entry to the puzzle yet, but they all figured that that meant Loki wasn't done yet.

Natasha went off to try and find Bruce and Clint while Steve ran off to try and collect anyone else to help. Thor stuck around with Tony while he worked on a time traveling sort of device in order for them to collect all the stones themselves.

They figured that having 12 Infinity Stones on their side instead of just 6 would probably come in handy at some point.

Thor was the only one without much to do. He had already set up New Asgard, but there weren't many people to even live there anymore which left him at a bit of a loss.

So he had been placed on Puzzle Watching duty. If the stone flashed green, that meant a new memory had been added and he would alert Tony who would then call Steve and Natasha so they could all watch together.

Apparently Steve wasn't having much luck in his efforts. The most he had gotten done was a pretty impressive start to a beard. Other than that, he was coming up empty.

Natasha couldn't find Bruce, but she had a few leads as to where Clint might be hiding out. Turns out that losing his family made him a bit of a vigilante. Of course, nobody could really blame him.

Tony was working hard to make progress on his machine, but he missed Banner. Two Science Bros ™ were better than one.

Thor wasn't making much progress, but that wasn't really his fault since his entire job was waiting for Loki to put in another memory which he hadn't done since- "Friend Stark! It has happened! There was a rather large flash of green! Call our fellow shield companions!"

Tony dropped his wrench and immediately did as Thor requested, excited to finally look at another entry of the puzzle.

After some time passed, both Steve and Natasha returned. Steve got there much faster since he was just in town, but Natasha took about an hour to pilot back (from wherever she was, she never really told them) on a jet.

They all settled in again for the first time in days and got ready to slip back into the visions.

When they made it back in, they were in front of a large silver castle with silver paths and small trees.

"This place is very silver." Tony mumbled as he kicked a silver pebble. "Seriously, it is so unnecessary."

"I'm afraid this looks much like a silver version of Asgard. If you imagine everything gold, it is almost identical." Thor informed with a sheepish grin. The amount of gold in Asgard had been a bit much. (A/N for real, it was just ridiculous)

In front of them stood Loki in the same outfit from last time. He was walking through the crowds, but nobody seemed to acknowledge or even see him.

"Can Loki turn invisible?" Steve questioned Thor as they followed Loki through the castle gates without being noticed.

"Aye, my friends! He was very good at it as well. Although, looking back, he never really needed that power in order to go unnoticed." Thor informed with a thoughtful frown.

"Ah, invisible without even trying. A gift and a curse." Tony smiled a bit at his own comment.

"I'd say mostly a gift when it comes to some of the tricks he needed to pull off." Natasha grinned while they all followed Loki into a big silver hall of the castle.

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