A Weapon Of My Own

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(Narrator POV)
The next few months were trying for the Avengers, but also very good. They moved to the next phase of their plan and finished up most of the things they were working on.

Thor was doing well as King and he had been watching the puzzle closely for a long time.

The 3 year anniversary came and went and they were still waiting for Loki, but it had only been a little while since the last update so they weren't as worried as they had been in the past.

Natasha brought the new (and some would say improved) Bruce home and he fit right back into the groove of things.

He watched the puzzle and came to a similar conclusion. Even pointing out small things they had yet to think of.

Tony was up to his eyeballs in armor by now and he and Bruce decided to also try to make some weapons to use against Thanos' army.

Steve was able to find a little help here and there and by using Tony's scanners, he was pretty certain he had pinpointed where Scott was going to show up.

Clint was helping where he could and otherwise staying pretty much the same. They were able to bring him a bit of hope that his family may come back and all Hawkeye could say was that if Loki brought back his life than he would owe it to the God to forgive him completely for New York.

Harley, Pepper, and Happy were keeping up their separate visits and they often ended up watching the puzzle updates they had missed in the meantime.

It was close to 3 and a half years since the snap and it had been about 6 months since Loki's last puzzle entry.

Finally, Natasha called a code green and all 6 of them rushed to watch the newest update from one of their favorite gods (Tony's all time favorite, don't tell Thor).

Loki was just walking into an all metal building surrounded by galaxy. He strolled through the hall, but was soon stopped by a sword swinging within an inch of his neck.

"Now, is that any way to greet an old friend?" Loki questioned with a cheeky grin. The sword immediately dropped to the ground and Loki turned to see the man taking a knee.

"Eitri." Thor said in a bit of surprise. "He's the Dwarf King who made Stormbreaker." He informed the Avengers when they looked slightly confused.

"King Loki." Answered Eitri. He was tall and had long brown hair. What stuck out the most was that his hands were stuck in metal fists. "Old friend."

The title confused all of the Avengers and Thor was extra perplexed because he had no idea those two even knew each other.

Loki tsked. "Stand up, Eitri. I am not Odin, you never have to bow to me." At that, the man stood gratefully with a small nod of his head.

Thor couldn't wipe the surprise from his face and soon the others noticed. "I didn't know they were close." He explained with a furrowed brow.

"Thor was already here, I made him a weapon." Eitri informed. "I'm not sure I can make a weapon worthy of you with the condition of my hands. For the brother I don't like, it's no problem, but for you I expect the best."

Loki looked at the Dwarf King's hands which were incased in metal. Eitri had had to use both hands to hold up the sword that had been at his neck.

"I may be able to help with that." Loki gave the man a smile and held out his hands. "Healing isn't my specialty, but I have many other talents."

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