Who's Eye Is That?

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(Narrator POV)
When they all got outside the house, they saw the Flying Feline ship landed on the grassy ground and Loki standing right outside the entrance of the vehicle.

Thor froze when he saw his brother again finally, unsure of what to do after all this time of separation.

It only took a few seconds before a small grin graced Loki's lips and he lifted his arms in an open way. "I suppose a hug is owed since I faked my death again." He said with a hint of humor.

That was all it took for Thor is shake out of stupor and rush to his younger brother. He wrapped him in his arms for a crushing hug that would have broken the bones of lesser beings. Nevertheless, Loki hugged back, perhaps not as tightly, but still a hug.

"I missed you so much!" Thor cried with a beaming grin as he gave the trickster another rough squeeze that made him groan slightly and tap Thor's shoulder a couple times.

"Yes, I might have missed you a little as well, you great oaf." Loki got out from where he was being strangled. Finally the thunderer let go of the younger God and took him in in-person for the first time since his death.

He was wearing blue and green armor with silver accents and black lining. It was similar to the armor he had for Ragnarok, but no helmet was present.

"Who's eye is that?" Loki asked in a tone of slight confusion while squinting up at the orange-ish eye that was stuck in his brother's skull.

"No clue! The rabbit gave it to me." Thor told him with a happy smile, but Loki just cocked his head to the side a bit.

"The rabbit?" Loki looked more confused before he just shook his head and held out a hand. "May I see it for a moment?"

Thor paused before taking it out and handing it over. Loki clasped it and his fist surrounded with his own green magic while he sent some toward the eye socket to heal it properly.

Handing it back, he said. "Here. Now you can see out of it and your eye is healed correctly. Seriously, what would you do without me?" He sighed with exasperation, and refused to admit that it was slightly fond. "I leave you alone for 5 minutes and everything goes to pot." (A/N that was a Pirates of the Caribbean quote. You're welcome.)

After another moment, the rest of the Avengers stepped forward to greet the God of Chaos. They had been remaining back to allow the brothers a reunion, but now most of them wanted to greet him as well.

Steve walked up first, as the leader, and offered his hand to shake in the form of both a greeting and a truce. Loki could see that in his eyes when he turned to survey the Captain.

"Captain Rogers." He said as he took the hand in a firm shake and nodded his head slightly in something similar to a mini-bow. "Pleasure to properly meet you."

"It's nice meeting you too, Loki." Steve gave a small smile as they dropped their hands once again.

Tony stepped up next and shocked the God by giving him a quick hug before pulling back, but keeping one hand on his shoulder. "Looking as hot as ever, Reindeer Games."

The Prince seemed surprised before a smirk flitted across his features and he threw a wink to the genius. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Stark."

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