I'm Back To Change Time

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(Narrator POV)
The next thing the group saw was a field of purple flowers surrounded by woods. Loki was laying on the ground wearing the same blue armor, but now all the blue on his skin had faded and he just had a light purple bruise on his neck.

He sat up with a groan before he stood with an even louder groan. Loki ended up cracking up a bit as he rubbed his lower back with one hand and his neck with the other.

"Who knew dying would hurt so much?" He said sarcastically with a small laugh and a shake of his head.

The sky was bright blue and there was lush grass everywhere on the ground. Loki was drenched in water from the well that he jumped into so he quickly snapped his fingers to dry himself.

His outfit also changed into a dark green armor with navy blue leather on the collar, and forearms. This armor also had no cape on it, the boot part was black, and there were streaks of dark blue winding up from the boots like snakes slithering up his legs until it wrapped around his waist like a belt.

There were silver accents and images of snakes engraved in the metal parts. His hair remained the same wavy style that it had been this whole time.

After he finished freshening up, Lady Death appeared next to him. Her cloak billowed in the slight breeze, but her face remained hidden as she walked on the flowery ground.

"Hello, Dear." She greeted him and surprisingly she gave him a hug. It shocked him just as much as it did everyone else, but he carefully hugged her in return anyway.

"Hello, Lady Death." Loki replied after they pulled apart. "I just need to get a ship and then we may continue with the plan. Has Thanos killed them yet?" He questioned as they began walking toward the woods.

"Time is different in Helheim, as you know, to you it's been hours, but to them it's been weeks. Yes, they have lost their battle. You now have five years to complete this mission." Death answered. "I have located a ship for you. Shall we discuss the plan more?"

"Yes, but first I would like to know why it was so easy to bare my soul to the Gem of Death, it should have been harder than that." Loki commented.

"It should have been, yes, but I am fond of you so the Gem was as well. Not to mention, you were already dead so you had death in you. Now, the Gem has remained because you have a strong soul and a close relationship with me. You are my Chosen, therefore no byproduct of mine will hurt you. I consider you like a son, and that means we are a part of one another." Death relayed calmly while Loki gave a nod.

"Yes, I suppose that all makes sense." He paused before continuing with a chuckle. "I prefer the idea of having two mothers who actually care over one mother who cares with a father who doesn't."

"I am glad to hear that." Death replied with a tone that made it clear she was smiling. "Now, we should discuss the plan."

Loki nodded. "The first stone we are going after is the Space Stone, then the Mind Stone, Time Stone after that, Reality Stone, next will be the Power Stone, and then finally the Soul Stone. It is smart to begin with the stones I have a connection to. I will be going to a different alternate universe for each, but the Infinity Stones are a sort of constant. For example, if you have a connection with the Space Stone in one universe or reality then you have a connection with the Space Stones in every universe or reality." (A/N Is this confusing? I feel like it's confusing. So sorry if it is.)

"I can't believe he's going after the Infinity Stones all by himself." Thor mumbled in awe of his brother. The others nodded in agreement while they listened to Death reply.

"That sounds like a very good plan. Remember though, the stones might not be in the same place in other universes as they are in ours. The Space Stone might have been in Asgard in this universe, but it could be elsewhere in another."

They were all now walking through the dark woods as the two continued their conversation.

"Yes, I have already planned for that. But once I do get the stones it should be fairly easy. The Space and Mind Stones should except me easily and the extra power will make the rest of the stones follow." Loki said with the same eery calm that he had had for most of the discussion. "All I need for Thor and his friends to do is to do the things they would have done if they didn't see this. Which I suppose they might not have seen this in the first place."

"Are you worried?" Lady Death questioned as they broke through the trees and appeared in another clearing. This one was mainly just grass with a few yellow and white flowers.

"No." Loki replied with little hesitation. "I just came back from the dead, I am almost certain that I can handle whatever happens next. I also have more faith in Thor's new little friends than I did in his old ones."

In the middle of the meadow, there was a giant dark silver spaceship with blue highlights and stripes. It also had dark green lining around the windows and green lettering on the side that read Flying Feline.

"This is yours. Even after everything is over, you may keep it." Death told Loki as they walked up to the ship. "There is a metal panel that can cover the name so you don't get recognized as easily and the ship can turn invisible for incognito work. It also opens at your command only."

"Thank you. It is a very nice vehicle." Loki smiled at the ship "Open." He ordered and the ship door opened immediately.

As they were walking into the ship, Death couldn't help but ask. "You can fly this, correct?" Loki just laughed before replying.

"Of course I can, I am not Thor." Thor made a slightly offended sound at the comment, but let it go in favor of looking around the dark silver and green interior of the ship. The rest of the people present simply laughed.

"That is good to know." Death said while watching Loki push the button that covered the name of the ship. "I will visit you as often as I can, but I do not want to call any of Thanos' attention."

Loki nodded and they said their goodbyes before she faded away and Loki was left alone once more. He sighed and sat in the pilots seat.

Turning around toward the big front windows, he began pushing buttons and finally gripped the steering device.

With one last parting word, the memory faded just like Lady Death had.

"To another universe, we go."

A/N Hello. I hope this chapter wasn't too confusing because even as I read the Infinity Stone stuff I was like "does this even make sense?" But I think I got the idea of it down.

Enjoy and keep reading! <3

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