I Got You Brother

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(Narrator POV)
The next scene showed pink clouds and a neon blue sky. Loki now had blue, black, and gold armor with hints of yellow, and purple. His hair was also almost completely gel-less for the first time they had seen yet.

Tony was starting to really realize how attractive Loki was. He had pale skin, dark hair, bright green eyes, and impeccable cheekbones. The more Stark looked, the more he couldn't stop.

He also found Loki to be rather funny when he wasn't trying to take over their world. I mean, the dude literally planned on making a statue to rub his victory in the faces of every Asgardian citizen. That's comedy gold.

"It is getting close to his death." Thor said quietly. They all nodded slowly while Steve put a comforting hand on Thor's shoulder.

"This may be a bad time, but did he actually make that statue?" Tony asked quietly which earned him a smack on the arm from Natasha.

Thor merely chuckled. "Yes, he also created an entire play to show how heroic he was. It was rather amusing, in an annoying kind of way." He sounded so fond that it actually made all of their hearts clench.

Lady Death appeared, and caught everyone's attention. She then made an appraising sound when she saw Loki's new armor.

"I see you have adopted a new color scheme." Her voice held the smile that would have been on her face if they could see it.

"Yes, I thought it was time to change things up a bit. The gold and yellow parts are for mother." Loki gestured to the underside of his cape.

"And the blue?" Her tone was knowing even though she had asked a question. She had that way about her most of the time.

"You know what the blue is for." Loki tilted his head to the side and gave her a knowing smile. He seemed much happier than he had in the past.

"Are you accepting being a Jotun?" Lady Death actually sounded curious now. Like for once she genuinely did not know.

"I do not believe now is the time for this to become a therapy session. We have things to discuss." A small drip of irritation swept into his tone while his smile stayed, but twitched on his lips like he was fighting to keep it there.

"Very well. How is Sakaar?" Death inquired and gestured vaguely around. Tony, Natasha, and Steve all looked to Thor to clarify.

"It is the planet I found Banner and Loki on." He informed them which caused a chorus of nods.

"It is alright. I have yet to procure a ship in order to find Thor, but considering ten seconds of his time equals a week here, I should have ample opportunity as of yet." Loki clasped his hands in front of him and put on a blank face, all business.

"The Grandmaster seems to like you." The comment from Death was playful and clearly amused.

"Of course he does, I'm very charming." His face remained calm, but there was a gleeful mirth flashing in his poisonous eyes.

"The Grandmaster did seem very intrigued by my brother." Thor commented which made the others look at each other with raised eyebrows.

"Mhm, sure you are. Anyways, the plan." Death laughed a bit, seeming amused but still prepared to move on.

"Yes, the plan. Ragnarok is approaching which means that Asgard will be destroyed. When I am there, I will collect everything in the vault, my own room, mother's personal chambers, and Odin's rooms. I will put all of these items in my pocket dimension because you never know what you might need. I will also steal back the Tesseract in order to keep it safe from Thanos." His determination was evident in his voice.

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