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love potion
"he's cute."

"bullshit." mumbled hyunjin as he went to the school rooftop where his friends usually hangout, "what's up man?" asked chan.

"that freakin seungmin ruined everything!" he screamed, "ugh!" he groaned.

changbin just shook his head, "calm down bro, you guys are really not going to be friends?"

"why would we? argh," he rolled his eyes and sat down with them, "this is so annoying." he ruffled his hair.

"what the fuck? i spilled the freakin love potion on him THAT was supposed to be jisung! what do i do now?! the potion is for once! ugh! what if he.. no!"

"yah hyunjin!" called changbin once again as he kicked hyunjin's leg, "what?" he asked.

"i asked you, what happened?"

"ugh he bumped onto me." hyunjin rolled his eyes, "don't talk about him, i'll get more stress."

"um welp okay."


"the little mole under his eye is cute.." said seungmin in a low tone as they were copying down notes. felix weirdly looked at him, "what the hell are you talking about?"

jeongin joined, "yeah i mean- are you sick? did you hit your head?" he asked, putting his palm on seungmin's forehead.

"im fine." said seungmin, pushing jeongin's hand, "i didn't hit my head." he rolled his eyes.

"then why are you saying such things?" asked felix.

"um, because it's true? don't you find it cute?" seungmin asked, nudging them, "look." he said, pointing to hyunjin who's playing around with his friends.

felix and jeongin gave him the most confusing look, "whatever.. i guess."

"i'll consider that you're really sick today. rest well seung." felix patted seungmin's head.

"ugh how many times do i have to tell you? im not sick!" he whined.


the school ends. felix, jeongin and seungmin bid goodbyes and separated ways. felix and jeongin were taking the bus while seungmin is walking to his home.

that's when he saw hyunjin, walking alone with his messy hair. seungmin's cheeks turned into pink. he smiled sheepishly.

it was just quiet, not until hyunjin's book fell down. seungmin jumped a bit then decided to help him, "here." he said and gave it to hyunjin with a wide smile.

hyunjin flinched at his action, "the fuck are you doing? go away!" hyunjin rolled his eyes then walked away that made seungmin pouted.

"so mean.." he said to himself, "but he's cute though.."

hyunjin the other side got goosebumps after, "what the hell is happening? did that love potion affected him? oh my god.." he ruffled his hair and walked faster to his house.

as he got into his house, he changed his outfit and ran to where the shop he went last night. he breathe heavily as he arrived, "granny! granny!" he yelled, knocking onto the door.

no answer.

he peeked through the key hole, it was empty. all the things are packed up, it's literally empty. he sighed out loud, "oh my god!" he groaned.

"i ruined my own life."

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