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love potion
starting with a love potion and ending it with a love sprinkle


     seungmin groaned as his brother yelled, "good morning!" annoyingly as he drew the curtains then bounced himself on seungmin's bed, forcing him to wake up. seungmin could only groaned and got up, "what is it?"

"dont ask me 'what is it' can you just figure it out yourself? it's eight am. im late for work and so are you." he said and crossed his arms while tapping his foot on the ground, like an angry mom, but it's a brother in this case.

"you're joking." said seungmin.

"i am not kim seungmin." he said. seungmin mentally cursed then rushed to the bathroom to get ready. woojin shook his head and went to the kitchen, preparing for seungmin's breakfast before going off to work.

as seungmin was done doing his morning routine, he rushed to his phone that was charging and texted his friends.

>bros im late
jeongin: suck to be you then
felix: wHy r U teXtiNg US
>damn it

seungmin ran to the kitchen, grabbing his sandwich and rushed to his school. he breathed heavily as he arrived at his school, there weren't so many students outside, just few of them rushing to class just like seungmin. he sighed then fast walked to his class. he knocked the door and peek inside.

"oh good morning to you too, mr kim. you're late." said the teacher. seungmin cleared his throat, "i uh.. sorry sir." he apologized, bowing down. the teacher just nodded his head, "it's okay, just go to your seat."

seungmin nodded his head then took glance on hyunjin who was smiling to him for the whole time. seungmin feels his stomach twisted as he witnessed the sweet smile hyunjin gave him. he silently cleared his throat and ignored hyunjin. he sat on his seat and was greeted by his friends.

"why were you late by the way?" asked jeongin.

"oh well long short, i stayed up late. lol." said seungmin, shrugging then took out his note. felix looked at him weirdly, "why would you stay up late? were you studying or fanboying over your favorite idol?" he asked.

"surprisingly disappointed, no, i wasnt." seungmin sighed.


"err i was.. thinking about that sucker." he sighed, eyeing hyunjin who was copying down the notes while messing around with his friends. jeongin smirked, "ooh~"

"so you're admitting that you finally like him?" teased jeongin.

"what- pfft- jeongin stop making jokes."

"he's a joke himself." said felix then got hit by jeongin. as lunch time came, they packed up their things and put it inside their lockers then off to the cafeteria. the cafeteria was enveloped by students, the tables are almost occupied by them.

"uh guys, can you take my lunch? i'll find an empty table for us." said seungmin. they nodded their heads then seungmin turned around. as he turned around, he bumped into someone that made both of them fell on the ground.

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