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love potion
call declined

     "what are you doing here?" asked jeongin, rolling his eyes. chan sighed then sat on the other swing, "just wanted to walk around and happened to see you alone here,"

"mmkay, you can continue your walk now. im good being alone." he said, swinging a bit.

"nah im cool being around you."

"shut up or i'll punch your face," he warned.

"calm down man." chan raised both of his arms. jeongin just sighed and continued to swing back and forth, "did your freaking friend did something to seungmin?" he asked outta nowhere.

"shit" thought chan. he nervously scratched his neck, "um.."

his response made jeongin suspicious, "so there IS something going on?" he raised his voice a bit and stood up in front of chan.


jeongin held onto chan's shoulder, "just tell me!"

"okay fine! chill man!"

jeongin sighed for the nth time and stepped back, "spill."

"love potion."


"don't tell anyone." chan begged.

"the fuck is a love potion?"

"language kid but anyways." then chan began to tell him the whole story how it spilled on seungmin.

"that's sick." said jeongin, "so hyunjin was planning on giving that thing on jisung? that would be fucked up." said jeongin then clenched his fist, "so that's why he forgot about his long time crush." he said, talking about seungmin and sarcastically laughed, "hyunjin that motherf-"

"hey jeongin calm down, dont tell anyone about this. i told because you wanted me to. also it's not hyunjin's fault. he accidentally spilled it." chan said, grabbing onto jeongin's arm.

"don't touch me." jeongin yanked his arm then sighed.

"alright, take it easy man." chan said, "but did you know why they fought earlier?"

jeongin nodded his head, "yes felix told me, but he didn't want me to tell seungmin. so.."

"it must be hard for felix, that poor guy." said chan. jeongin looked at him weirdly, "why are you acting so nice, our friends are cool doesn't mean WE are." he said then walked away, "hey wait for me!"


seungmin was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling and sighing. he took glanced on his phone with felix's contact name on the screen, "should i call him?"

"ah suck it." seungmin groaned and called felix. the ringing sound makes seungmin nervous, he didn't know why. but then his call was never answered by felix.

"oh come on! just pick it up!" yelled seungmin and dialed his phone number once again. but got declined, "hell that! what is wrong with this man?!"

"seungmin are you okay there?" asked his brother. seungmin flinched, "oh h-hyung, yeah im good. did i wake you up?"

"no, i was about to go to sleep. stop yelling and get some sleep, you have school tomorrow."

"okay, good night." said seungmin. his brother smiled and nodded, "goodnight."

love potion | seungjin✔️Where stories live. Discover now