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love potion
"you're jealous because your little crush is crushing on me?"

     flashback to after jeongin and seungmin walked away. felix and hyunjin were glaring at each other, "what the f*ck did you do to seungmin?" asked felix, clenching his fist.

"what? i did nothing." hyunjin rolled his eyes.

"then why the hell are you guys hanging out?"

"is that wrong?"

"yes it is! you're just someone who bullied him. you disgusting bitch," said felix throwing a punch.

"i didn't bully him! it was my friends!" said hyunjin punching felix back.

"but then you joined them and you fucking enjoyed it!" felix kicked his stomach then hyunjin fell on the ground.

"cut it off, he enjoyed punching my face too." hyunjin said as felix got on top of hyunjin. felix then grabbed onto his collar, "i know you fucking did something to seungmin that he forgot that you guys are enemies, don't fucking talk to him again." he said then punched hyunjin.

hyunjin laughed, "what? are you jealous? because your little crush is crushing on me?" he continued to laugh.

felix was boiling and threw punches on hyunjin's face. hyunjin had enough and punched felix in the face. they kept on fighting that caught the other's attention and the timing..

"stop!" yelled seungmin.


on the bus, jeongin took glanced over felix, who's quiet for the whole time, "lix are you okay?"

"im just stress. you told me seungmin likes me. did you lie?"

"n-no i didn't! but it's true that he likes you! but.."

"but what?"

"i talked to him today. he said.. he likes hyu-"

"don't mention his name, dont talk to me about him. i've had enough." said felix and closed his eyes. jeongin sighed then looked down.

after the ride, they separated ways and went home, "welcome home jeongin." said his mother. jeongin gave her a small smile and went straight to his room, "is he okay?" mumbled his mother due to his unusual behavior.

jeongin dropped his things and laid on his bed, "what do i do now? why are my friends acting like this?" he sighed.

flashback to when they were 16. seungmin told jeongin that he really likes felix, but didn't dare to tell felix because they are best friends and he's scared it'll ruin their friendship. so he told jeongin instead.

felix on the other hand, did the same to jeongin. he likes seungmin too but is scared it might ruin their friendship.

jeongin is being the middle person, he would convinced them to confess but they refused, and until now, they haven't confessed yet.

but from what jeongin knows so far, felix still have feelings for seungmin, but seungmin..? he likes hyunjin just so sudden. what's happening?

"why is being a middle person so hard..?"

jeongin was feeling down do he decided to take a walk in the park. he then sat on the swing, watching the sunset when someone spoke up, "hey."

he turned around and saw chan, one of hyunjin's best friend.

love potion | seungjin✔️Where stories live. Discover now