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love potion
the truth

"guys, what happened to seungmin?" asked hyunjin who was frustrated since this morning.

"we're not sure.. did you say something wrong last night?" asked chan. hyunjin shook his head, "no. we just confessed that's it."

"what about you guys?" asked chan, facing then others. they shook their heads.

"i think i know.." said jeongin.

"what is it?"

"he kept on saying about how hyunjin spilled the liquid onto him and he said, it was just yesterday." said jeongin.

"what liquid?" asked hyunjin, "i didn't sp-" he stopped as he remembered about the love potion, "don't tell me you know about that.. liquid." said hyunjin, looking at jeongin.

"yes.. that potion." he said.

"how did you know about that? changbin? chan?" hyunjin looked at them. chan sighed, "i told him." he said. hyunjin rolled his eyes, since he can't do anything about it.

"i think that potion has ended."

"okay what potion are you guys talking about?" asked felix who were confused for the whole time.

"felix, i'll tell you later." said jeongin. felix shook his head, "no? you're gonna tell me right now."

"i accidentally spilled love potion to seungmin okay? it was supposed to be on my crush, well ex-crush." hyunjin rolled his eyes.

"you what?" asked felix.

changbin then grabbed onto felix's arm, "lix, just let it go. things already happened." he said. felix sighed then got up.

"where are you going?" asked changbin.

"im gonna find my bestfriend, im sure he's perplexed. love you." he said then gave changbin a peck on the cheek and walked away to find seungmin.

"okay but it's not the right time to blush." said chan, hitting changbin's face lightly. changbin cleared his throat, "where were we?"


"seungmin.." called felix as he found seungmin eating lunch with minho and jisung. seungmin looked at felix in sadness.

felix immediately hugged him, "im sorry." he said.

"why would you be sorry? why are you apologizing?" asked seungmin. felix just sighed, "i should've known sooner.." he said.

"know about what?"

felix looked at him in the eye and shook his head, "nothing.." he said then sat next to seungmin. seungmin cleared his throat and looked at felix, "so.. how long have you been with him?" he asked.

"changbin?" asked felix. seungmin nodded his head, then broke the eye contact.

"just yesterday." he answered.

"oh.. i see.." he said then looked down. felix felt bad but there's nothing he can do, things happened for a reason. felix sighed then patted seungmin's back, "are you okay?" he asked. because he knows that seungmin likes him.

seungmin nodded, "yeah, don't worry. congrats.. i think." he smiled, "oh hey breaktime is over, im going to class." said seungmin and bid goodbyes with them.

as seungmin was walking, he didn't notice that a tear left his eye. he quickly wiped it off. the more he wiped it, the more it comes out, "dang it! what the hell is wrong with me?!" he stomped him foot on the ground and went to the restroom and cried.

"seungmin.." called someone. seungmin looked up and saw hyunjin, "what? are you gonna tease me for crying? go ahead, i dont give a freak." he said, wiping his tears with his sleeves. hyunjin sighed and hugged him tight.

"what the hell are you doing? let me go!" he said, trying to push hyunjin. his hug went more tighter, "i won't ever let you go. just cry as much as you want, i dont care if my clothes is wet, i just want to make you feel better. just let it all out. i'll stay by your side." he said, caressing seungmin's head.

seungmin couldn't hold it anymore, he burst into tears, "why does everything seems so different? am i in coma or something? am i even real? am i just imagining things?" he cried.

"no seung, you're not in coma nor you're imagining things." hyunjin shook his head and kept on patting seungmin's back.

"but why does everything changed? why do i feel so.. left out..?"

"im sorry, im sorry its my fault, im sorry." whispered hyunjin.

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