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love potion
we're good

     been two weeks since the incident. changbin and felix started hanging out. changbin agreed on helping felix moving on from seungmin, and it works little by little. felix kinda like changbin because changbin would always be there for him, he would hype felix, greet him every morning and say goodnights to him. it makes felix shy, butterflies are creating inside his stomach.

well for chan, he's trying his best to give jeongin clues that he's interested in jeongin. but the younger being himself, he would always push chan, "go away," "what the hell are you doing?" "what are you? a clown?" and etc. it makes minho and jisung laughed because of the oblivious.

speaking of minho and jisung, they're doing fine. still together, they shipped felix and changbin, chan and jeongin and of course seungmin and hyunjin. oh and also, mentioning about seungmin and hyunjin.. still not a couple yet.

remember about the love potion? it's only for a month, and it's been weeks, it'll be over by 1 more day. no one has a clue that it'll last long for only a month.

everything is doing great and so. seungmin and felix started to talk again. they're cool. jeongin is really happy about that, he finally got his best friends back!

"so, are you guys a thing yet?" asked seungmin. they're now currently hanging out at felix's house. they're laying on his bed while playing the video game. felix smiled, "nah.. he haven't asked me out yet." he said.

"aw why not? he's so into you. why don't you confess to him? you love him don't you? im sure he will ask you out." said seungmin. felix shook his head, "i have no courage." he laughed.

jeongin then smirked and took felix's phone then dialed changbin, "jeongin!-"


"ooh~" teased seungmin. he took the phone from jeongin, "hey changbin, i think felix has something to say to you. it's really important." he said.

"really? where is he?" asked changbin.

seungmin giggled as he gave the phone to felix who was glaring at him, "hello?" said felix.

"oh hey lix, what's up?"

"oh nothing much.."

"i see.. so what do you wanna talk about?" asked changbin.

"well about that.." he looked at seungmin and jeongin. they just nodded their heads and smiled widely, waiting for him to confess, "damn it."

"i-i like you." he said.

changbin stopped and slowly smiled, "really?"

felix nodded, "yes.."

"let's meet up, i wanna hug you so bad!" said changbin, "im gonna be at your place in a minute!" he said and hung up.

jeongin and seungmin cheered, "we'll go now, good luck!"


as jeongin and seungmin walked out of felix's house, seungmin got a text from hyunjin.

>hyunjinnie!: minnieeeeee


>hyunjinnie!: let's go out tomorrow

hmm where?<

>hyunjinnie!: amusement park!
>hyunjinnie!: let's go with our friends!

okay sure ^^<

"hey jeongin." called seungmin. jeongin hummed in response, "we'll go to the amusement park tomorrow with the others." he said with a smile.

jeongin nodded his head, "alright!"

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