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love potion
"perfect match"

     it's been two weeks. fourteen more days before the love potion is over. seungmin is still madly in love with hwang hyunjin.

it's been two weeks since hyunjin and seungmin hang out. and yet felix and seungmin haven't talk. seungmin had been trying to talk to felix, but felix is avoiding and ignoring him.

jeongin, being the middle person is having a hard time. that one time when seungmin wanted to have lunch with jeongin, but felix was also wanted to have lunch with jeongin then felix made jeongin choose between him or seungmin. because felix didn't want seungmin to be around him so..

seungmin gave up and decided to have lunch with hyunjin and his friends, seungmin didn't want felix to be alone, so he let jeongin have lunch with felix. making jeongin feel really bad.

seungmin was really like really sad at that time, til he let out a tear left without knowing. but he's so quick to wipe it off, before the other could even notice.. or so he thought.

it was now break time, as usual, seungmin would be the first one to get up from his seat and walked with hyunjin and his friends, leaving jeongin and felix behind.

jeongin took glanced over felix who's watching seungmin with a sad-disappointed look, "why are you looking at him like that?" jeongin said, trying his best not to roll his eyes and sounded annoyed.

"what? look at who? i didn't look anybody." said felix, rolling his eyes.

"are you not gonna talk to him?"

"who? why would i? you're talking too much, let's grab lunch." felix said then left.

jeongin sighed out loud, "ugh this is so annoying." but however he needs to stay calm.

as they were walking to the cafeteria, they saw seungmin and hyunjin laughing, booping each other's noses and hitting each other while chan and changbin were giggling.

"ugh." mumbled felix as he sat on his usual table. jeongin just shook his head at felix and ate his lunch, "just talk to him and we're cool. then you don't have to witness them being a couple goals." he said.

felix rolled his eyes, "couple goals my ass." he murmured.

if you're wondering about the love potion incident, no felix still doesn't know about that, jeongin didn't want to tell him or else chan will get mad at him and felix will kill hyunjin in any time, so.

jeongin took glanced over hyunjin and seungmin who were now blushing hard. jeongin really wants to know what's happening, he feels so lonely without his friends, well at least he has felix. but it's different. he misses his crackhead best friends.

jeongin was thinking of singing the, "my loneliness is killing me," but it's not the right time, it's not the same energy. felix would yeet him outta here. jeongin sighed.


seungmin and hyunjin on the other side were blushing because chan said that they looked cute together, and is a perfect match. seungmin liked it, while hyunjin, he was confused but it made him flattered.

butterflies started to create inside his stomach, he shrugged it off with rolling his eyes, "s-shut up," said hyunjin, "what about you huh? still not confessing to him?"


"you know who im talking about, dont play innocent." hyunjin glared at him. chan cleared his throat then avoided eye contact, "im waiting for the right time. moving on, what about you bin?"

"huh? what? me? what about me? im cute."

"no- your crush, felix." chan said in a low tone, enough for them to hear. seungmin tilted his head, "you like him?"

"i guess.." said changbin. seungmin smiled, "aa i see, you guys would look cute together. plus he's so clingy, you like clingy person don't you?"

"how did you know? is he really clingy?" blushed changbin.

"oh look someone's shy." teased hyunjin

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