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love potion
"he's crying.."

     "hey jisung," said hyunjin as he approached jisung, who was sitting on a bench that seemed to wait for someone.

"oh hey hyunjin, how are you?" he asked. hyunjin smiled upon hearing to his voice, "im good, you?"

"great! so what's up with you and seungmin? did you guys made up?"

"uh no, we're nothing, still the same. enemies." he said. what he didn't know that, someone is eavesdropping them has pouted his lips.

"ah.. i see.." jisung slowly nodded his head, but then minho came out from the restroom, "babe let's go- oh what's up hyunjin." minho smiled.

"b-babe.." thought hyunjin. it broke his heart, "o-oh hey, minho." he said and they did they bro fist.

"are you guys together?" asked hyunjin. minho smiled widely with the blushing jisung, they nodded their heads, "he asked me out this morning." said jisung.

hyunjin gave a weak smile, "ah.. i see, well you guys looked cute, im happy.. for you guys." he said.

they both smiled, "thankyou! well we're going now, see you tomorrow."

"yeah.. see you guys.."

hyunjin watched their disappearing figures, his heart broke. he liked jisung for so long and this is what he got. a tear rolled down his eyes.

what if the love potion didn't spill on seungmin? and spilled on jisung instead? will everything turn good? his dream will come true right? just if he didn't bump onto someone, jisung will be in hyunjin's arm and not someone else's!

he turned around and saw seungmin. seungmin was gving him a worried look. hyunjin noticed it then glared at him. ignoring him, he just walked pass seungmin.

"hyunjin.." called seungmin. hyunjin just ignored him.

"he's crying.." said seungmin, sad to see hyunjin crying. he was also sad the fact that hyunjin considered themselves as enemies. does hyunjin really hates me? thought seungmin then dropped his shoulder.

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