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love potion
am i in love?

"seungmin." hyunjin called. shaking his body while calling his name for the nth time, "seungmin wake up." he said. seungmin immediately opened his eyes and saw hyunjin's face in front of him. he then suddenly sat up and looked around, "what happened? where's jisung and minho? where's the granny? where are we?" he bombarded.

"we're at my house. there's no jisung and minho. you passed out while chasing after the granny." hyunjin explained and gave seungmin a plain water, "drink some." he said. seungmin gladly took it and drank the water.

"we're back to our own bodies?" asked seungmin. hyunjin gave him a weird look, "what do you mean?" he asked while wiping the sweats on seungmin's neck and forehead. seungmin pointed hyunjin then himself back and forth, "we switched bodies because of the wrong potion." he said.

hyunjin laughed, "what are you talking about? i think you need more rest." he said and laid seungmin back to the sofa, but seungmin refused, "wait no!" he said, shaking his head.

"what about jisung and minho? they changed into puppies!" he said, grabbing onto hyunjin's shoulder, "don't you remember?" he asked. hyunjin tilted his head, "theyre still humans last time i checked. seungmin you need to rest." he patted seungmin's head. seungmin was perplexing. he tilted his head but laidndown by the way, "was it just a dream?" he asked himself. hyunjin just smiled to him and went to the kitchen.

"you can stay here if you want to." said hyunjin while giving kkami some foods. seungmin shook his head, "nah, my brother will freak out. plus we have school tomorrow anyway." he said. hyunjin just hummed in response, "aight, why don't you rest in my room? it's more comfortable on bed though. my room is the first one you went up the stairs. im feeding kkami for a bit."

"mhm okay." said seungmin and walked up. he slowly opened the door and looked around, "nice room." he mumbled then laid down on his bed. he was trying to take a nap but it didn't work. so he got up and walked around his, "looking around his room won't hurt." he said.

he was looking through the photos frame and saw hyunjin and his friends. seungmin smiled and looked up some polaroid that were hanging on the wall. there was.. hyunjin and.. him. he was smiling widely as he looked at those pictures. most of the polaroid are when they were eating, feeding eat other and pinching each other's cheeks.

"damn it hwang, i just wanna know how it feels like." he sighed. he then saw a picture of him, candid. he was laughing with jeongin. seungmin tilted his head, "did he take that picture? what a creep." he said, "..cute." he added with a blush, he felt butterflies in his stomach that made him scoffed.

"what the hell.." he said then turned around, "ah god! you freakin scared me!" he screamed and breathed heavily. hyunjin just giggled, "welp sorry, i didn't mean to. i was gonna check on you. just worried something might happen. but anyways, what were you doing?" he asked, his face was kinda red. he then walked inside, closer to seungmin.

seungmin shook his head, "uh well.. i was looking at these." he said truthfully, pointing to the photos. hyunjin went more red, "o-oh.." he said. he was embarrassed because he hung their pictures on the wall like a weirdo, he even took seungmin's pictures secretly and hung some of them. seungmin cleared his throat, "uh sorry." he said.

"n-no it's okay.." said hyunjin. seungmin sheepishly smiled, "do you.. perhaps have any more pictures of.. us?" asked seungmin, pointing to hyunjin's phone. hyunjin looked at his phone and slowly nodded, "err yes. well you were the one who wanted us to take a lot of photos.. so.." he shrugged then unlocked his phone, "here." he said.

seungmin giggled and took hyunjin's phone then threw himself on hyunjin's bed. hyunjin smiled at the younger's sudden behavior and laid on his stomach beside seungmin. while seungmin scrolling through the photos he asked, "why the hell are you so close to me?" he asked, weirdly looking at hyunjin. hyunjin just rolled his eyes and pulled seungmin closer, "so that i can tell more about the situation." he said, making an excuse.

"oh okay." said seungmin and went back scrolling through the gallery, "who took this picture? and why the hell were we sleeping together on a freakin sofa?" seungmin asked, tapping on to the screen, "aaah and we were really that close?!"

hyunjin scoffed, "excuse me sir, you were the one who forced me to cuddle with me or else you will not eat dinner." hyunjin rolled his eyes then smiled when he remembered that day. seungmin chocked, "am i really?!"

"yes kim." hyunjin said. seungmin's ears went hot and his face turned into red tomato. he then buried his face on the pillow, cringing. hyunjin laughed, "seungmin, are you okay-"

"ah! why the hell am i so cringy?!" he yelled through the pillow that made hyunjin laughed more, "it's okay, it was cute." said hyunjin then stopped himself. seungmin froze and looked at hyunjin who were now blushing, "u-uh- mOviNG oN."

they spent the evening together until seungmin's brother called and asked him where he was because he was worried, usually when he comes home seungmin is already in his room, whether he is sleeping, studying, freakin out or video calling with his bestfriends.

"okay i'll be home." said seungmin and hung up the call. he pouted, "aw man, i wish we spend more time together." he said then slapped himself and startled hyunjin, "you good?" asked hyunjin. seungmin cleared his throat, "did i just s- aNywAys! i'll go now! bye llama!" he yelled and ran out of his room, straight out of his house.

as he reached his house, he opened the door and yelled, "hyung im home!" he said then lazily went to his room. he threw himself on his bed and stared at the ceiling.

"what is this feeling?" he asked himself.

"why do i feel fireworks inside me whenever hyunjin is around?"

"why the hell am i thinking about this?"

"why am i so cringy? ee.."

"but anyways.. he's cute though- oh my god stop it seungmin!!!"

"can you just stop yelling?" asked his brother as he bursted into his room. seungmin awkwardly laughed, "uh.. sorry." he apologized, "but- hyung come here." he said, beckoning him to come closer and patted on his bed.

woojin raised an eyebrow and sat on his bed, "what is it?"

"what is that feeling when you feel something like tingling feeling inside your stomach whenever you're with someone?" he asked. woojin smirked, "is my little brother in love?"

"what? pFFT- love? tch- is it love?" he asked.

woojin shrugged, "well im not sure, maybe yes. do you feel comfortable or blessed around them?" he asked.

seungmin cleared his throat, "uh.. is it wrong if i say yes?"

"it's not wro-"

"he was my enemy by the way." said seungmin.

"was seung. was. perhaps there's something going between you two.." he teased, "tell me, who is this lucky one? who needs to handle all your clingy behavior huh?"

"uh.. no one! okay! your time in my room is up! bye!" he said, pushing woojin out of his room then locked his door. he then threw himself on his bed, "do i really like him- pFFT NO WAY!"

an: wow the longest chapter with 1253 words YIKES
oh and also, there will be the epilogue yEET YEET
just to clear out things, the last chapter about how
minsung turned into puppies and how seungjin switched bodies aren't real, it was just in seungmin's dream while he fainted, so..

+ i may or may not gonna make seungjin new fic 'switch' LOL BYE

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