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love potion

     "why? why is it your fault?" asked seungmin and he pulled himself out of hyunjin's embrace. hyunjin sighed, "look. remember when we bumped into each other? there's liquid that i accidentally spilled it on you."

"what's with it?"

"it was a love potion. but i didn't mean to do it on you.. it was for my crush.."

"love potion..?"

hyunjin nodded, "yes.. i got it from an old woman."

"so you planned to do it on your crush but it spilled on me instead?" he asked. hyunjin nodded his head.

seungmin closed his eyes trying to calm down, "did you know whatever you're doing is wrong?"

"i know.."

"love can not be forced hyunjin." said seungmin. hyunjin just kept his head low, because he knows what he did is wrong.

"i know.. but i've moved on from him and i like someone else. but i learned from my mistake and it's okay if he doesn't like me back, because i know he will never like me." he said then gave seungmin a weak smile, "let's go to class."


as the school ended, jeongin felix and seungmin bid goodbyes and separated ways. it became a habit that hyunjin would send seungmin home. seungmin had no clue why he did this and how the hell hyunjin knows his house. then he remembered about the love potion, "of course."

"so how long do i act like a weirdo?" seungmin asked out of nowhere. hyunjin looked at him and thought for about ten second, "like.. a month?"

seungmin chocked, "that long?- oh my- why can't i remember a thing? it's freakin thirty days and i only remember twenty nine days ago which the day it spilled- i-" he sighed and shook his head, "do i really like.. really that clingy?" he asked.

hyunjin nodded, "um well yeah.. you were obsessed with me." he cleared his throat and looked away. seungmin made a disgusted face, "the hell.."

"so what do you think of it?" asked seungmin that made hyunjin chocked on his saliva, "no need to choke, i was just asking." seungmin rolled his eyes at the older. hyunjin caressed his chest then coughed, "uh well.."

seungmin was waiting for his answer but it never came out from hyunjin's mouth until they reached his house, "damn it hwang, we've arrived at my house and you still haven't answered my question." seungmin crossed his arms.

hyunjin scratched his neck, "uh haha.. i'll tell you tomorrow?"

"whatever, bye." he raised his hand and went inside. hyunjin smiled and turned around and went to his house. the question seungmin asked was playing in his mind, "so what do you think of it?"

"dang it seung, of course i love it."

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