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love potion
"it's for you."

     just another day of learning, studying, laughing. it was now break time. seungmin, felix and jeongin were eating lunch at their usual table. seungmin looked around searching for hyunjin, but he's no where to be found.

"what are you looking for?" asked felix as he chewed on his food, "um hyunjin." said seungmin, still looking for him.

felix and jeongin choked, "what? why?"

"uh i wanna give him this." said seungmin, as he pointed to banana milk. felix and jeongin looked at each other,

"okay we need to talk." they said to seungmin. he looked at them with a confusing look, "talk about what?"

"did he do something to you? did he threaten you? what did he do til you change like this?"

"change? what? he didn't do anything to me. he didn't threaten me. why are you guys saying stuff like this? don't bad mouth about him." his eyebrows slowly frowning.

"wow calm down. look. we as in wE, hate that hyunjin guy."

"huh? i don't hate him- okay you guys need to stop, im going." seungmin got up and walked away.

"what the hell is wrong with him?" asked jeongin, watching seungmin's disappearing figure, "i don't know.. hyunjin is literally his enemy since elementary. why the hell is he acting like this?"

"not to forget that they always got into fight until they got cuts everywhere." jeongin shook his head, "what do you think about it?" he asked.

"i think he likes hyunjin." said felix, sighing.

"what? how come? i mean there's literally no proper interaction between them." said jeongin. then it went silent, "lix, you okay?" he asked.

felix shrugged, "i guess."


"oh hi jisung, hi minho." greeted seungmin as he saw jisung and minho sitting and talking. they looked at him then smiled, "yo what's up?"

"do you know where's hyunjin right now?" he asked with a wide smile. both minho and jisung looked at each other then back to seungmin, "what? are you gonna beat him up again? what did he do?" laughed minho.

seungmin tilted his head, "no.. im not gonna beat him up.. im just going to give him this." he said, showing them the banana milk.

they made a weird face, "huh? for what?"

"for him."

"no i mean, why?" asked jisung

"why not?" seungmin said. minho and jisung sent each other a 'is he okay?' look.

seungmin clicked his tongue in annoyed, "come on just tell me where he is, break time is almost over."

don't wanna get beaten up by seungmin, they told him where hyunjin is. seungmin smiled, "aight thanks, i won't beat anyone don't worry." he said then walked away.

"are they a thing?" asked jisung. minho shrugged, "i don't know, but what i know is that we're gonna be a thing." he smirked.

"oh shut up." jisung blushed


seungmin opened the rooftop door a little aggressively that made hyunjin and his friends flinched, "who the fuck is that?" asked chan.

"oh seungmin." he said. hyunjin choked on his saliva then turned around.

"what? you wanna start a fight?" asked changbin, rolling up his sleeve. seungmin rolled his eyes, as much as he hates those guys he wouldn't get into fight IN FRONT of hyunjin.

"shut up, i just wanna give this to him." said seungmin and gave hyunjin the banana milk. hyunjin was still confused but took it anyway, "thanks?"

"my pleasure!" seungmin said with a giggled then waved his hands, "bye! enjoy that!" he said then ran away.

chan chuckled then smirked, "so.." he wriggled his brows, "you guys are dating and not telling your bestfriends?"

hyunjin rolled his eyes, "we are not dating and will never." he said then drank his banana milk, it's his favorite.

"how the fuck is he being nice to you? i mean, he couldn't resist to punch your face, but now? what?.."

hyunjin then remember about the love potion, "bullshit." he whispered.


"oh nothing."

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