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love potion
giving him a chance

"so you're telling me that he likes me?" asked seungmin with his widen eyes. they're now currently hanging out at seungmin's house. seungmin called them because he wanted to know everything that happened while he was affected by the potion.

felix and jeongin cleared their throats, "well yeah? for your information, you guys were being a clingy couple for the whole freakin month and it caught the other students' attention."

"my bestfriend is famous." said jeongin. seungmin just rolled his eyes, "why does he like me though? i mean.."

"you see my guy. you were completely different from the kim seungmin he knows. you were really like- soo in love with hyunjin. maybe that's why he fell in love with you." jeongin said.

seungmin slowly nodded his head, "ah.. i see." he said then scoffed, "well he only likes THAT seungmin afterall!" he rolled his eyes then crossed his arms, annoyed.

"are you mad or something?" felix asked, giving the younger a weird look.

"im not mad!"

"then why are you yelling?"

"i don't know! i just feel like it!" he yelled then scoffed. jeongin rolled his eyes, "but i think he's in love with the kim seungmin. no matter what seungmin you are. he still likes you."

seungmin's face softened, he uncrossed his arms and got closer to jeongin, "do you think so?" he asked, showing a little smile.

jeongin backed up a bit and slowly nodded his head, "uh.. yeah..?"

seungmin smiled and went back to his original spot then bounced his body as if he was listening to a cute song. felix found it cute and smiled, "looks like you like him too." he said.

seungmin choked, "who said i like him? no way."


"oi hwang!" said seungmin as he reached the school. hyunjin was about to turn around when seungmin already threw his arm on his shoulder making him bent down a bit. changbin choked at their interactions, "so.. you guys are cool?" he asked.

"i didn't say anything. oh hey hwang you haven't answered it." seungmin brought up. hyunjin was slightly blushing, seungmin didn't notice it but chan, he knows the expression on hyunjin's face, so he secretly smirked.

"um can i tell you during lunch?" he said. seungmin pulled back his arm which made hyunjin sad, seungmin nodded his head, "k. bye gays." he said then walked away.

"so was that the first 'bye' from kim seungmin to us?" asked changbin. chan rolled his eyes, "but he said that to us a lot."

"no i mean before he is affected by the potion." said changbin. then chan shrugged, "i guess. yo hyunjin, did you do something to him again?"

"pfft- no."

"then why is he acting like that?"

"i told him everything about the potion and he asked me something that made me stayed up late." said hyunjin, clearing his throat.

"oh is that what he was talking about? what did he ask by the way?"

"he asked about my opinion on him being clingy to me."

"he did not ask that." said changbin, shaking his head. hyunjin nodded his head, "he did."


as lunch time came, hyunjin and his friends were on the rooftop. hyunjin was walking in circle while mumbling, "what do i say." over and over again.

"just say that you liked it." changbin rolled his eyes.

"just literally say that? what if he thinks that im a weirdo? what if he punches me right in the face? damn- what if he starts to avoid me?" he asked.

chan face palm himself, "listen bro-" before he could finish, the door opened by felix followed by jeongin and seungmin.

"oh hi babe." changbin smiled. felix returned the smile and sat with changbin. jeongin and seungmin were just standing there and did nothing.

"seungmin let's talk somewhere else." said hyunjin and walked away from the rooftop with seungmin.

"so hwang, what's your answer?" he wriggled his brows. hyunjin looked at him weirdly, "are you okay? i mean, you rarely show this side of yours." he said.

seungmin breathe in and out, "but you told me i was really clingy back then? im trying my best to make you comfortable by playing 'that' seungmin role. but i guess it didn't work. i'll stop then." seungmin shrugged.

hyunjin immediately shook his head and held seungmin's shoulders, "no! don't stop! it's cute!"


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