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wherein seungmin and hyunjin are enemies, they hated each other with their own reasons. not until a love potion spilled on to one of them. hyunjin bought a love potion and accidentally spilled it on seungmin.



"are you sure this will work?" asked hyunjin to that old woman. she just smiled, "of course, so do you want it or not? because that's the only one left and im gonna close my shop by tomorrow."

he was deep in thought, "should i buy it? what if i got scammed? but this is my chance to make jisung fall for me.. but-"

"hello? boy? are you gonna buy it or not? i need to close my shop now."

he nodded, "okay i'll buy it, but are you really- like really sure that this will work?"

"yes, im a hundred percent sure." she said, "but remember it only work for once." she reminded. hyunjin nodded, "alright, there you go." he said and paid her ten dollars.

the old woman smiled, "thankyou, and goodluck with that. oh and also, to whoever you're gonna give to, they will forget about your relationship, whether you guys are friends, best friends, enemies exes or cousins." she smiled.

but what the old woman didn't tell him is that, it will last long for only a month and will forget about their current crushes or boyfriend/girlfriend.


morning came, hyunjin was excited about the love potion that he's going to do on jisung. well of course he wouldn't just simply tell jisung that it's a love potion, he's going to 'accidentally' spill the potion onto him.

as he was done doing his morning routine, he gave his pet a kiss before going to the school. he was all smiley on his way to the school with the lilac potion on his hand.

looking around the school to search for jisung. but jisung is nowhere to be found. so he decided to do his plan on breaktime.

breatime came, the potion was in his hand, he kept looking at it and smelling the scent with a wide smile.

there were also someone who kept on reading his something on his phone while holding a novel and not caring about his surroundings.

until both of them bumped onto each other, making the potion spilled onto the guy who was on his phone, "aish- who the fuck!-" he was about to scream when he met hyunjin's eyes. he softened.

hyunjin cursed, "fucking hell- no..." he whispered as the potion is now spilled.

hyunjin looked at the person, "the fu- seungmin?! ugh!" he rolled his eyes and walked away, "bullshit!" he said.

seungmin was left behind, confused. but then his friends rushed to him, "hey are you okay?! god that hyunjin guy! he's troublesome!" said jeongin, drying seungmin's face with his sleeve.

"hyunjin..?" said seungmin, his cheeks getting red.

"yeah? that motherfucker." felix rolled his eyes.

"he's not a motherfucker, he's a cutie.." said seungmin, still spacing out about hyunjin.

"what?! are you sick?"

love potion

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