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love potion
um first kiss

     after school, hyunjin and seungmin were walking together, side by side. their hands were rubbing against each other which made them blushed slightly.

"you know what?" said hyunjin and intertwined his hands with seungmin's. seungmin is now red as tomato, he smiled sheepishly, "god you're so annoying." said seungmin and playfully rolled his eyes.

"that's how i show my love to you." he blurted then choked on his saliva, "okay that's a little bit too much- why am i so sweet- i mean why am i like this!? ayee-"

ok sure, hyunjin grew feelings towards seungmin, he slowly accepts the fact that jisung has a boyfriend and he's happy with him. well he thinks that seungmin is actually.. cute. he prefers THIS seungmin than the other seungmin who he used to hate.

seungmin is really cute, he's bubbly, he speaks in tiny font, hyunjin wants to hear his laugh everyday, hyunjin wants seungmin to sing for him everyday. the smile from seungmin made hyunjin's day. is he in love with seungmin? well..

"um" seungmin awkwardly scratched his neck with his other hand, "i guess we've arrived." he said standing in front of his house, pulling back his hand.

hyunjin pouted, "what the hell? too soon? aw man!" "o-oh yeah of course. get inside, see you tomorrow." hyunjin waved his hands.

seungmin giggled and waved his hands back to hyunjin, "bubye! see you tomorrow!" he smiled widely that made hyunjin's heart skipped a beat, "damn that smile."

seungmin went inside and closed the door.


the sun hit seungmin's skin. he got up and stretched his arms before taking shower and went to school. he was just walking to his class when felix stopped him.

"oh.. felix.." said seungmin. actually he's glad that felix wanted to talk to him, but he's also nervous on what will felix say to him.

"i need to talk to you." he said.

"right now?" asked seungmin. felix nodded his head, "ye-"

"hey seungmin- oh," hyunjin said and surprised to see felix talking with seungmin, oh well maybe purposely.

"oh hi hyunjin!" seungmin greeted.

felix rolled his eyes, "never mind, i'll talk to you late break time."

"okay." he said then felix walked away, to god knows where.

"what were you guys talking about?" asked hyunjin as they walked to their class, "nothing, he just wanted to talk to me." he shrugged.

"mhm.. i see,"

when it's break time, hyunjin then dragged seungmin to the rooftop where changbin and chan are waiting, "but hyunjin, felix wanted to meet me."

"it's okay, you guys will meet again after break." hyunjin said, keep on dragging him until the reached at the rooftop, "oh hello my dear friends!" greeted chan.

they greeted back and sat down with them, "so, have you asked him yet?" asked chan to hyunjin while pointing to seungmin. hyunjin choked, "w-what are you talking about?" he asked looking around, avoiding eye contact.

seungmin on the other hand were blushing real hard. chan noticed their reactions and started to tease, "aye.. look at your faces!" he laughed.

"both of you guys are red as tomato." said changbin, laughing. seungmin and hyunjin then looked at each other. they stopped because they just realized how close they are.

chan made a silly smirk before pushing their heads, closing the gap, "hah get that! i present to you a new couple." said chan, not letting their heads go.

seungmin and hyunjin's eyes were wide as hell as they tried to get away from chan's hand. suddenly they heard the door being shut. chan flinched and looked around to see changbin disappeared.

"when did he go?"

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